-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): *anonymous -- -- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/39 on 2017-05-30 15:26:36 +0100 -- It happened to me twice, that I accidentally overwrote an R-Skript with rkward, that was changed in the meantime on disk \(svn\). kate, kdevelop etc. have this "File Changed on Disk" - Feature - which prevents that.
I consider this a bug, really, but it's now fixed in svn on both branches. For the KDE 3 branch a warning is only shown, directly before saving a file that was modified, externally. For the KDE 4 branch, a warning is already shown, as soon as the corresponding editor window gains focus. See http://p.sf.net/rkward/svn for instructions on testing the development version of rkward.
- **assigned_to**: nobody --> tfry - **summary**: File Change Notification --> FIXED IN SVN: File Change Notification missing
Closing after the release of RKWard 0.5.1. Note that the fix is not yet released on the KDE 3 branch \(but already taken care of in SVN\).
- **status**: open --> closed-fixed