-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): b00l -- -- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/15 on 2017-05-30 15:26:34 +0100 -- Using the "execute-current-line"-button, R throws a syntax error for all functions spanning more than 3 lines. Maybe a problem parsing newlines? Examples: working: test <- function\(\) \{ return\(rnorm\(100\)\) \} syntax-error: test <- function\(\) \{ x <- rnorm\(100\) return\(x\) \}
Logged In: YES user\_id=300591 Originator: NO Yes, a problem with newlines. Those would be omitted in the command that actually gets run. Therefore, what gets actually sent to R in the example is: test <- function\(\) \{ x <- rnorm\(100\) return\(x\) \} which indeed is a syntax error. Fixed in the development version. Too bad, 0.4.7 is already released with the bug.
- **assigned_to**: nobody --> tfry - **status**: open --> closed-fixed