-- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/feature-requests/22 on 2017-05-31 14:48:55 +0100 -- It should be possible to detach windows such as data editor, command editor, output, help from the main window. I.e. it should be possible to convert them into single top-level windows, and back, just like is possible for the tool windows \(Command Log, Console, Help search\). The menu already contains an entry Window->Detach, but this is defunct. It seems, this takes more than a simple call to KMdiChildView::detach \(\). Also important: The detached windows should take their GUI-elements \(menu items\) with them when detached. Probably this is relatively easy to do, but requires some digging through the KMdi-documentation to do right. -- Labels: RKWard user interface --
- **assigned_to**: nobody --> tfry
Logged In: YES user\_id=300591 Done. See class DetachedWindowContainer and RKWardApp::slotDetachWindow for internals.
- **status**: open --> closed