Bug 37251 - can not play all files encoded with ogg vorbis rc3
Summary: can not play all files encoded with ogg vorbis rc3
Alias: None
Product: mpeglib
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.8.0
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Martin Vogt
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-17 22:33 UTC by Roger Larsson
Modified: 2004-07-10 02:14 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Roger Larsson 2002-01-17 22:31:54 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           noatun
Version:           1.8.0 (using KDE 2.9.0 2 (CVS >= 20020104))
Severity:          wishlist
Installed from:    compiled sources
Compiler:          gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.4.17-rc1-update_page_usage
OS/Compiler notes: 

Earlier versions of ogg does not handle (encode nor decode) originals with frequencies that differ from 44100 or 48000 in stereo...

With the release of rc3 it can.

ktuberlings translations were recoded from various original qualities.

But the problem is that arts does not replay it correctly or at all - maybe it assumes some specific frequency or stereo?
(the german translation is a specific example)

Recompiling kdemultimedia does not work.

The applicatoin xmms can replay the files with no recompiling necessary...

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
(Called from KBugReport dialog)
Comment 1 Roger Larsson 2002-01-29 22:55:39 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

[found the list and remembered my wish list item]

Hi all (since I have no idea who is responsible for the code)

I have made "some" modifications to oggvorbis_artsplugin to make it handle
 non 44100 Hz files.

44100 Hz files is a lot easier since you decode to the same frequency as arts
uses internally...

The possibility to use other sampling frequencies and mono was added in
ogg rc3.

wav(f Hz c Channels) => encode => ogg rc3 => decode => wav(f Hz c Channels)

This gives some problems when trying to handle the standard arts frequency.
You basically need to resample - I have included a simple resampler.

Audio quality has not been my priority up to this point - now it gives right
audio for the correct time. (it works but gives bad audio quality -
overtones a filter with the band width of the original sound will help...)
My feeling is that there are probably working resamplers included somewere in
the arts libraries... Help please?


I think I detected quite a number of races while working with the code.

As an example:
when the file is read to end then this code was executed...

!               //signal completion
!               foo.val = 0;
!               // no more data available
!               semctl(buflen_sem 0 SETVAL foo);
!               // and no room either (ie none coming)
!               semctl(buflen_sem 1 SETVAL foo);

Two problems:
* writing zero to sem 0 will not let the audio file play to the end.
  all samples that were buffered got removed in one stroke.
* writing zero to sem 1 might race with main process updating sem 1
  and the expected condition will never happen...


Roger Larsson

Content-Type: text/x-diff;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="kde_oggvorbis_artsplugin.patch"

? oggarts.mcoptype
? oggarts.h
? oggarts.cc
? oggarts.mcopclass
Index: oggPlayObject_impl.cpp
RCS file: /home/kde/kdemultimedia/oggvorbis_artsplugin/oggPlayObject_impl.c=
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3 oggPlayObject_impl.cpp
*** oggPlayObject_impl.cpp2001/12/14 20:54:431.3
--- oggPlayObject_impl.cpp2002/01/29 22:02:00
*** 3241 ****
--- 3243 ----
  #include "oggPlayObject_impl.h"
+ #define SAMPLESIZE sizeof(short)
  using namespace Arts;
+ : fract_bufpos(0) reserved(0)
  struct shmid_ds bleh;
  shm_id =3D shmget(IPC_PRIVATE sizeof(*shm_buf) 0600);
*** 95114 ****
  FILE *ogg_fp;
  ogg_fp =3D fopen(filename.c_str() "r");
  int current_section=3D0;
  ov_open(ogg_fp &vf NULL 0);
  if (!(child_pid =3D fork())) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: child process");
  do {
! // get more data
  int seekTo =3D semctl(buflen_sem 2 GETVAL foo);
  if (seekTo) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: seeking to %d" seekTo);
  // we have a seek command
  int ret =3D ov_time_seek(&vf (double)seekTo-1);
! arts_debug("oggvorbis: ov_time_seek returned: %d\n" ret);
  semctl(buflen_sem 2 SETVAL foo); // we've done it
--- 97135 ----
  FILE *ogg_fp;
  ogg_fp =3D fopen(filename.c_str() "r");
+ if (ogg_fp =3D=3D NULL) {
+     perror(filename.c_str());
+     return false;
+ }
  int current_section=3D0;
  ov_open(ogg_fp &vf NULL 0);
+  arts_debug("oggvorbis: Encoded by: %s"ov_comment(&vf-1)->vendor);
+  // Check user comments and info
+  char **ptr=3Dov_comment(&vf-1)->user_comments;
+  while(*ptr){
+      arts_debug("oggvorbis: %s"*ptr);
+      ++ptr;
+  }
+  vorbis_info *vi=3Dov_info(&vf-1);
+  arts_debug("\noggvorbis: Bitstream is %d channel %ldHz (hw %d Hz)"vi-=
>channelsvi->rate samplingRate);
+ shm_buf->rate =3D vi->rate;
  if (!(child_pid =3D fork())) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: child process");
  do {
! // seek and indicate position
  int seekTo =3D semctl(buflen_sem 2 GETVAL foo);
  if (seekTo) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: seeking to %d" seekTo);
  // we have a seek command
  int ret =3D ov_time_seek(&vf (double)seekTo-1);
! arts_debug("oggvorbis: ov_time_seek returned: %d" ret);
  semctl(buflen_sem 2 SETVAL foo); // we've done it
*** 116135 ****
  if (foo.val =3D=3D -1) foo.val=3D0;
  semctl(buflen_sem 3 SETVAL foo);
! int thisPass =3D ov_read(&vf (char *)decode_buf BACKBUFSIZ*sizeof(sh=
ort) 0 2 1 &current_section);
! if (thisPass =3D=3D 0) {
  // we're done or we errored (in which case we're done)
! thisPass =3D (thisPass / 4);
  semoper.sem_num =3D 1;
  semoper.sem_op =3D -thisPass;
  semop(buflen_sem &semoper 1);
! // block until there's enough space to stick in this frame
  int roomFor =3D semctl(buflen_sem 1 GETVAL foo);
  if (roomFor > BACKBUFSIZ) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: exit requested bye!");
  // this can never go above BACKBUFSIZ in normal operation
--- 137162 ----
  if (foo.val =3D=3D -1) foo.val=3D0;
  semctl(buflen_sem 3 SETVAL foo);
! // get more data
! // ALWAYS read 16 bit little endian that specific format will be conv=
erted to float later...
! int thisPass =3D ov_read(&vf (char *)decode_buf sizeof(decode_buf) =
0 SAMPLESIZE 1 &current_section);
! if (thisPass <=3D 0) {
  // we're done or we errored (in which case we're done)
+ arts_debug("oggvorbis: ov_read returned: thisPass=3D%d" thisPass);
! thisPass =3D (thisPass / (SAMPLESIZE * vi->channels));
+ // block until there's enough space to stick in this frame
  semoper.sem_num =3D 1;
  semoper.sem_op =3D -thisPass;
  semop(buflen_sem &semoper 1);
! // check if exit is requested - non blocking
  int roomFor =3D semctl(buflen_sem 1 GETVAL foo);
  if (roomFor > BACKBUFSIZ) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: exit requested bye!");
  // this can never go above BACKBUFSIZ in normal operation
*** 138145 ****
  for (int i=3D0 ; i <thisPass ; ++i buf_pos =3D ((buf_pos + 1) % BACKB=
! shm_buf->left[buf_pos] =3D conv_16le_float(decode_buf[2*i]);
! shm_buf->right[buf_pos] =3D conv_16le_float(decode_buf[2*i+1]);
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: enqueued them");
--- 165174 ----
  for (int i=3D0 ; i <thisPass ; ++i buf_pos =3D ((buf_pos + 1) % BACKB=
! // Sort of works for all number of channels...
! // TODO: proper handling of multichannel do not waste work from mono
! shm_buf->left[buf_pos] =3D conv_16le_float(decode_buf[vi->channels*i]=
! shm_buf->right[buf_pos] =3D conv_16le_float(decode_buf[vi->channels*i=
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: enqueued them");
*** 150161 ****
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: calculated %d more samples"shm_buf->back$
  } while(1);
! //signal completion
! foo.val =3D 0;
! // no more data available
! semctl(buflen_sem 0 SETVAL foo);
! // and no room either (ie none coming)
! semctl(buflen_sem 1 SETVAL foo);
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: decoder process exiting");
--- 179189 ----
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: calculated %d more samples"shm_buf->back$
  } while(1);
! // block until all produced data has been consumed
! arts_debug("oggvorbis: decoder process waiting");
! semoper.sem_num =3D 0;
! semoper.sem_op =3D  0;
! semop(buflen_sem &semoper 1);
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: decoder process exiting");
*** 177183 ****
  if (time.seconds =3D=3D -1)
  time.seconds =3D 0; // Eek infinite loop time.
! //arts_debug("oggvorbis: time is now %d\n" time.seconds);
  return time;
--- 205211 ----
  if (time.seconds =3D=3D -1)
  time.seconds =3D 0; // Eek infinite loop time.
! //arts_debug("oggvorbis: time is now %d" time.seconds);
  return time;
*** 210215 ****
--- 238244 ----
  mState =3D posIdle;
  union semun foo;
+ arts_debug("oggvorbis: halt");
  if (child_pid) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: killing decoder process");
  foo.val =3D 2*BACKBUFSIZ;
*** 222227 ****
--- 251265 ----
  // mainly this is to ensure that the decoder wakes up to notice
+ void oggPlayObject_impl::halt_on_decoderTerminated() {
+ if (child_pid &&=20
+     waitpid(child_pid NULL WNOHANG)) { // child has already terminated!
+ child_pid =3D 0;
+ halt();
+ }
+ }
  void oggPlayObject_impl::seek(const class poTime &t)
  union semun foo;
*** 249255 ****
  void oggPlayObject_impl::calculateBlock(unsigned long samples)
! int samplesAvailable =3D 0;
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: calculateBlock");
--- 287293 ----
  void oggPlayObject_impl::calculateBlock(unsigned long samples)
! unsigned long samplesWritten =3D 0;
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: calculateBlock");
*** 257306 ****
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: calculateBlock %d(%d) of %d samples in buffer=
  //shm_buf->buflen - bufpos shm_buf->backbuflensamples);
! struct sembuf bleh;
! bleh.sem_num =3D 0;
! bleh.sem_flg =3D IPC_NOWAIT;
! //arts_debug("oggvorbis: %d samples wanted" samplesAvailable);
! bleh.sem_op =3D -samples; // does the buffer have sufficient samples?
! if (semop(buflen_sem &bleh 1) =3D=3D -1) {
! if (errno =3D=3D EAGAIN) {
! union semun foo;
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: buffer underrun");
! samplesAvailable =3D semctl(buflen_sem 0 GETVAL foo);
! // no samples AND no room is the decoder's way of signalling completi=
! if (semctl(buflen_sem 1 GETVAL foo) =3D=3D 0) {
! halt();
! samplesAvailable =3D 0;
  } else {
! // something awful has happened
! samplesAvailable =3D 0;
- } else {
- samplesAvailable =3D samples; // number of samples we pushed from buff=
- // used to calculate the number we should zero out for an underrun
- bleh.sem_flg =3D 0; // back to normal now
- //arts_debug("oggvorbis: %d samples available"samplesAvailable);
- for (int i =3D 0; i < samplesAvailable;
- ++i buf_pos =3D ((buf_pos + 1) % BACKBUFSIZ)) {
! left[i] =3D shm_buf->left[buf_pos];
! right[i] =3D shm_buf->right[buf_pos];
! bleh.sem_num =3D 1;
! bleh.sem_op =3D samplesAvailable;
! semop(buflen_sem &bleh 1); // mark the now-free space
  // zero out any samples we didn't have enough to complete
! while(static_cast<unsigned long>(samplesAvailable) < samples) {
! left[samplesAvailable] =3D 0.0;
! right[samplesAvailable] =3D 0.0;
! samplesAvailable++;
--- 295378 ----
  //arts_debug("oggvorbis: calculateBlock %d(%d) of %d samples in buffer=
  //shm_buf->buflen - bufpos shm_buf->backbuflensamples);
! int additional_reserve;
! if (shm_buf->rate =3D=3D samplingRate) {
! additional_reserve =3D samples;
! } else {
! additional_reserve =3D samples*shm_buf->rate/samplingRate + 1 - reserv=
! }
! while (additional_reserve > 0) {
! struct sembuf bleh;
! bleh.sem_num =3D 0;
! bleh.sem_flg =3D IPC_NOWAIT;
! bleh.sem_op =3D -additional_reserve;
! if (semop(buflen_sem &bleh 1) =3D=3D 0) { // likely
! // Success!
! reserved +=3D additional_reserve;
! additional_reserve =3D 0;
! } else if (errno =3D=3D EAGAIN) {
  arts_debug("oggvorbis: buffer underrun");
! // Check the number of samples available this does not reserve them!
! union semun foo;
! int samplesAvailable =3D semctl(buflen_sem 0 GETVAL foo);
! // No samples! Why? Has decoder terminated?
! if (samplesAvailable =3D=3D 0) {
! halt_on_decoderTerminated();
+ additional_reserve =3D samplesAvailable;
  } else {
! // something awful/unexpected has happened
! additional_reserve =3D 0;
! ////////////////////////
! // use from reserved
! //
! int used =3D 0;
! while (samplesWritten < samples && used < reserved) {
!     left[samplesWritten] =3D shm_buf->left[buf_pos];
!     right[samplesWritten] =3D shm_buf->right[buf_pos];
!     samplesWritten++;
!     fract_bufpos +=3D shm_buf->rate;
!     if (fract_bufpos >=3D samplingRate) {
! fract_bufpos -=3D samplingRate;
! buf_pos =3D ((buf_pos + 1) % BACKBUFSIZ);
! used++;
!     }
! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
! // finalize avoid semop with sem_op=3D=3D0 =3D> will sleep
! //
! reserved -=3D used;
! artsdebug("reserved=3D%d used=3D%d\n" reserved used);
! if (used > 0) {
! struct sembuf freesem;
! freesem.sem_num =3D 1;
! freesem.sem_op =3D +used;
! semop(buflen_sem &freesem 1); // mark the now-free space
! }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // zero out any samples we didn't have enough to complete
! //
! while(samplesWritten < samples) {
! left[samplesWritten] =3D 0.0;
! right[samplesWritten] =3D 0.0;
! samplesWritten++;
*** 310312 ****
--- 382390 ----
Index: oggPlayObject_impl.h
RCS file: /home/kde/kdemultimedia/oggvorbis_artsplugin/oggPlayObject_impl.h=
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 oggPlayObject_impl.h
*** oggPlayObject_impl.h2001/12/14 20:54:431.2
--- oggPlayObject_impl.h2002/01/29 22:02:00
*** 5060 ****
--- 5075 ----
  struct buf_t{
  float left[BACKBUFSIZ];
  float right[BACKBUFSIZ];
+         int   rate;
  } *shm_buf;
  int shm_id child_pid;
  int buflen_sem;
+  private:
+ int reserved;     // reserved but unused input (shm_buf)
+ int fract_bufpos; // per samplingRate initialized to 0
+ void halt_on_decoderTerminated();

Comment 2 Roger Larsson 2002-10-03 00:27:10 UTC
After some tweaking it works.           
Problem is that we have several competing OGG vorbis handling currently...           
	arts, mpeglib, and oggvorbis_artsplugin           
I have done nothing special in my configuration but I get two .mcopclass'es       
installed that handles OGG:      
[use: "grep -r -i ogg /opt/kdecvs/lib/mcop/" to find out]   
If I remove OGGPlayObject.mcopclass (or move away)   
and then restart arts sound server - I get sound for all strange ogg files  
(like encoded 8000 Hz, mono)  
Should oggPlayObject and ogg support from mpeglib be removed?  
Comment 3 Martin Vogt 2002-10-20 18:01:21 UTC
fixed with a hack to vorbisPlugin. Tested with a short 8Khz file.
       // exit while loop
+      usleep(2000000);
       cout << "unknown stream state vorbis decoder:"<<streamState<<endl;
Comment 4 Martin Vogt 2002-10-20 18:02:06 UTC
*** Bug has been marked as fixed ***.
Comment 5 Roger Larsson 2002-10-21 22:22:50 UTC
Subject: Re:  can not play all files encoded with ogg vorbis rc3

Martin, is the usleep the only change you made?

You do not have this patch applied? from Matthias Welwarsky
(when only using the usleep does not work for me, I get no sound, speedy 
sound, or crashes - indicates that something is wrong - I will recompile and 


Index: GSLPlayObject.mcopclass
RCS file: /cvs/arts/soundserver/GSLPlayObject.mcopclass,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -3 -p -r1.5 GSLPlayObject.mcopclass
--- GSLPlayObject.mcopclass     2002/07/31 11:33:43     1.5
+++ GSLPlayObject.mcopclass     2002/10/21 20:16:47
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ Extension=wav,mp3,ogg

Comment 6 Roger Larsson 2002-10-23 08:09:55 UTC
Subject: Re:  can not play all files encoded with ogg vorbis rc3

On Tuesday 22 October 2002 13.34, Martin Vogt wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 08:22:52PM -0000, Roger Larsson wrote:
> > 
> > ------- Additional Comments From roger.larsson@norran.net  2002-10-21 
22:22 -------
> > Subject: Re:  can not play all files encoded with ogg vorbis rc3
> > 
> > Martin, is the usleep the only change you made?
> > 
> > You do not have this patch applied? from Matthias Welwarsky
> > (when only using the usleep does not work for me, I get no sound, speedy 
> > sound, or crashes - indicates that something is wrong - I will recompile 
> > retry)
> >
> Do you have such a file? 
> I have currently only 1.0 installed.
> Can you please try
> yaf-vorbis 
> the command line player. This helps to find
> where a possible problem is.
> Martin

The file ohr.ogg that you already got is one of the problematic files.

I have now recognized what happens. It plays only the initial part of
the file (sound of taperecorder turning on...)

The usleep that you added should help but it does not...

Possible problems:
	usleep(1000000) can give errors and no sleep (see man pages),
	 tried with sleep(2) but no difference

	my computer might be faster than your (933 MHz) so the file might
	be read and decoded before play even starts... using sleeps is bad
	practice. You should not sleep but wait on notification that file is played.

	The patch from Matthias Welwarsky works. Altering preference orders.
	Playing with ogg123 works.
	I have recompiled everything, but I still get crashes (Qt)... So I am not
	100% that everything works as expected - will investigate this further...

roger@jeloin:~/KDE/sounds/de> yaf-vorbis ohr.ogg
Command:0 Msg:protocol yaf-0.1
Command:0 Msg:implements xplayer
Command:0 Msg:decoder vorbis Version:20000223
Command:0 Msg:mimetypes audio/ogg;
Command:0 Msg:comment vorbis by Monty http://www.xiph.org/
Command:0 Msg:comment yaf port by mvogt@rhrk.uni-kl.de
Command:0 Msg:comment based on sources from vorbis
Command:0 Msg:comment enter 'help'
Command:0 Msg:player-status on
Command:0 Msg:player-status open
Command:0 Msg:player-status playing
Command:0 Msg:musicinfo-Start
Command:0 Msg:song_filename
Command:0 Msg:song_name noname
Command:0 Msg:song_len  3
Command:0 Msg:song_jumps 0
Command:0 Msg:musicinfo-End
Command:43 Ret:(ok) Msg:open ohr.ogg
Command:0 Msg:streamInfo-Start
Command:0 Msg:streamInfo-Channels 1
Command:0 Msg:streamInfo-SampleSize 16
Command:0 Msg:streamInfo-Speed 8000
Command:0 Msg:streamInfo-End
Command:0 Msg:player-status pause
Command:0 Msg:player-status close
Command:0 Msg:player-status off 23680 23680
Command:44 Ret:(ok) Msg:update

roger@jeloin:~/KDE/sounds/de> ogg123 ohr.ogg

Audio Device:   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) output

Spelar: ohr.ogg


Comment 7 Roger Larsson 2002-10-23 23:40:08 UTC
It plays alright but it truncates the end of the audio.  
Short files will not play anything. 
This patch, from Matthias Welwarsky works around the problem 
by using GSLPlayObject instead (but it does not fix the bug that 
is in mpeglib. 
 Index: GSLPlayObject.mcopclass 
RCS file: /home/kde/arts/soundserver/GSLPlayObject.mcopclass,v 
retrieving revision 1.5 
diff -u -3 -p -r1.5 GSLPlayObject.mcopclass 
--- GSLPlayObject.mcopclass     2002/07/31 11:33:43     1.5 
+++ GSLPlayObject.mcopclass     2002/10/19 18:57:19 
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ Extension=wav,mp3,ogg 
Comment 8 Roger Larsson 2002-11-06 16:08:09 UTC
This now works for me.  
But should not the usleep(2000000); be replaced with sleep(2); 
for compatibility reasons? 
> man 3 usleep 
       EINVAL usec is not  smaller  than  1000000.   (On  systems 
              where that is considered an error.) 
Comment 9 Roger Larsson 2002-11-12 01:16:06 UTC
Sorry, I noticed that I had the other patch applied. (Preference=4) 
Removing that patch results in a non working ohr.ogg again... :-( 
Comment 10 thebeast 2003-02-06 22:32:52 UTC
what is the current status on this, is this different in 3.1?
Comment 11 Roger Larsson 2003-02-06 23:18:05 UTC
Subject: Re:  can not play all files encoded with ogg vorbis rc3

It still does not work in CVS (-> KDE 3.2)

Comment 12 Roger Larsson 2003-09-24 01:07:09 UTC
No go with recent CVS (~3.2 alpha) 
Comment 13 Roger Larsson 2004-07-10 02:14:38 UTC
This works with recent CVS!