1. The timezone for Novosibirsk was changed to Moscow+04 and UTC+07 since 2016/07/23. 2. After tzdata package update all Plasma clocks (digital, analog, sddm etc) show time in UTC. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. update tzdata to 2016f version 2. select Novosibirsk timezone as local 3. restart sddm or reboot w/s 4. select (or check) Novosibirsk TZ as local in active Plasma session Actual Results: 1. sddm clocks show UTC time 2. plasmoid clocks show UTC time Expected Results: 1. sddm clocks show local (Novosibirsk) time 2. plasmoid clocks show local (Novosibirsk) time Workaround: select Krasnoyarsk timezone as local TZ on w/s.
The problem was resolved after Qt upgrade to 5.7.1.