Bug 36779 - Suggest allowing Schema/colors as Konsole command-line option.
Summary: Suggest allowing Schema/colors as Konsole command-line option.
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Mandrake RPMs Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-03 22:03 UTC by fwells
Modified: 2004-05-19 01:02 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Sentry Crash Report:

subnet.vsd (38.00 KB, application/octet-stream)
2002-09-30 13:07 UTC, Alan Prescott - Systems Support
subnet_current.vsd (34.00 KB, application/octet-stream)
2002-09-30 13:07 UTC, Alan Prescott - Systems Support
Printing LAN.doc (21.50 KB, application/msword)
2002-09-30 13:07 UTC, Alan Prescott - Systems Support
InterScan_Disclaimer.txt (547 bytes, text/plain)
2002-09-30 13:07 UTC, Alan Prescott - Systems Support

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description fwells 2002-01-03 21:50:25 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           konsole
Version:           KDE 2.2.2 
Severity:          wishlist
Installed from:    Mandrake RPMs
Compiler:          Not Specified
OS:                Linux
OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified

It would be nice to be able to select the
Schema as well as the background/foreground
colors from the command-line.

One example application: I launch terminal 
sessions that ssh/rlogin/telnet to various 
remote hosts (-e telnet host).  I use 
different colors depending on which remote 
host (e.g. red background for Production 
hosts etc.).  Each host has its own shortcut 
on the KDE menu.

It would be nice to be able to pass the 
standard X11 color (etc) arguments and/or 
the Schema on the command-line like Eterm 
which by the way I'm forced to use since 
Konsole lacks this feature.

Only a suggestion. :-)

Fred Wells

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
Comment 1 Alan Prescott - Systems Support 2002-03-11 13:49:46 UTC
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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The original wish-list entry only mentions schema/colours - may I suggest t=
hat the keyboard also be selected via command-line parameter.
I frequently have to telnet into an old SCO box using vt-220 - It'd be very=
 useful to launch konsole from a menu entry with the keyboard and schema pr=
- Alan

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If you are not the intended recipient please accept our apologies; please do not disclose copy or distribute information in this email or take any action in reliance on its contents; to do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Please inform us that this message has gone astray by forwarding it to info@jarrold.com before deleting it.
Thank you for your co-operation.

Comment 2 Alan Prescott - Systems Support 2002-09-30 13:07:51 UTC
Subject: Re: Firewall setup - Stage 1

Ok David I've finally got dsome of this info together. The whole system is something of a mess, primarily because we have inherited a system which was supposed to cover Jarrolds as a whole (Print, Retail and Publishing) and was originally set upon the understanding that there wouldn't be a lot of internet connections. This goes some way to explaining the Class C network. The sub-net range was also in inheritance and we intend to move away from this in the future to the sub-net. Again, in the future, we may need to split this sub-net further into departmental levels and put routyers/firewalls between departments. The main reason for this being that CTP may want to put in public web services which may be insecure as far as the rest of the company is concerned..
The attached visio drawings should give the basic details of routers, external links, subnets etc. as these stand at present and how we intend to progress them.
We don't currently have our own Web or FTP servers configured. These should go in the Vio firewall DMZ as and when we set them up. Currently we have the Insite Web Server which is to go via the Vio proxy server service and the MIS web server which is both our internal web server and provides access for external employees.

I doubt that this covers all that you require but I thought it best to send this now so that you can let me know what other info  you want.

- Alan

>>> David Chitolie <dchitolie@vio.com> 24/09/02 11:52:24 >>>
Hi Alan,

As we described earlier on our conference call there will be three stages to
completing the secure installation of your firewall.

Stage 1 -  Information gathering - Lan diagram

A) Network Side - Please include any switches, routers, Sonicwall Firewall
and any external links you have coming into your LAN (eg Vio or any other
leased line, adsl etc).

B) Hosts - It's important for me to know the type of access each machine or
subnet will have, you will need to include host and subnet positions on this
diagram. Hosts can be mail, ftp or web servers etc. I need to know where
they currently fit in your LAN to define a secure policy for inbound access
to these servers.

One way to completely bypass the firewall is to dial up to an ISP etc while
connected to the LAN. If you have any users dialing up from the office to
another LAN (Finance department may dial up to banking or payroll system)
please include the machine that uses the analogue/ISDN line.

If you do not currently have a network diagram I have attached a powerpoint
diagram that can be used as a template. Its not very pretty but it's easy to
change around for your needs.

Once I have this info we can move to stage 2 - Defining inbound access to
servers then last to stage 3 Outbound access definitions.

The actual firewall configuration is the last stage. This policy is not
specific to the Sonicwall, It's a policy you can implement on almost any


David Chitolie
Vio Worldwide Operations
Senior Systems Engineer
Telephone: 01923 698 055
Mobile: 07803 976 030
Vio address: Operations@Vio Worldwide Limited

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Printing LAN.doc

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Comment 3 Rainer Romani 2002-10-16 18:45:44 UTC
What is now the status of this bug ?
Will the colors or a color schema as command line argument be supported and 
if yes in which version ???
If not the misleading help should be corrected. Only options which have an 
effect should be listed. Nothing else. Nobody cares about qt options which
do not have any effect ...

Comment 4 Stephan Binner 2002-10-17 14:28:34 UTC
I don't understand the second comment or attachments or why this is closed 
Comment 5 Kurt Hindenburg 2004-02-06 07:19:04 UTC
You can use '  --schema <name>           Use given .schema file'.

Comment #1:  There is also '  --keytab <name>           Use given .keytab file'

No idea what comment #2 is about.

I would say this bug could be closed.
Comment 6 Waldo Bastian 2004-02-06 16:37:32 UTC
I agree.. will add --schemas to get a list of available schemas.
Comment 7 Jon Koehn 2004-05-19 01:02:44 UTC
I agree with comment #3 that:
"The misleading help should be corrected. Only options which have an effect should be listed."

The references to -bg and -fg should be removed from the --help --help-qt, and --help-all screens.