(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: konsole Version: 2.2.1 (using KDE 2.2.1 ) Severity: normal Installed from: Compiled From Sources Compiler: gcc 2.95.3 OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified It seems that Midnight Commander in Konsole can't distinguish between tab and alt+tab. When I first started MC I could switch the panels with both "tab" and "alt+tab". I used the "learn keys" option to set the "alt+tab" combination for autocomplete but then pressing both "alt+tab" and "tab" performed autocomplete. I couldn't get MC to distinguish these two different key events. I use Polish locale and Polish keyboard. (Submitted via bugs.kde.org) (Called from KBugReport dialog. Fields Application KDE Version OS Compiler manually changed)
Fixed in KDE 3.0. As a work-around for this key kombination you can copy $KDEDIR/share/apps/konsole/default.Keytab add following and select it: key Tab +Alt : "\E\t" key Tab -Alt -Shift : "\t" key Tab -Alt +Shift : "\E[Z"