Bug 353079 - theme selection is not kept, fallback to default theme
Summary: theme selection is not kept, fallback to default theme
Alias: None
Product: systemsettings
Classification: Applications
Component: kcm_desktopthemedetails (show other bugs)
Version: 5.4.1
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Andrew Lake
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Reported: 2015-09-23 10:41 UTC by Victor
Modified: 2018-04-25 21:43 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Victor 2015-09-23 10:41:20 UTC
Whatever theme I select, its settings are lost and plasma falls back to the standard theme (Oxygen?) as soon as I open a qt5 app. I had a look in ~/.config/kdeglobals and everything seems to be OK in there.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open systemsettings, go to Themes
2. Choose a theme, click apply
3. New theme is correctly applied.
4. Close systemsettings.
5. Open a random qt5 app.
6. Theme of the opened app is not what I chose in systemsettings.
7. Open systemsettings again, you'll see that it has fallen back to a standard theme (Oxygen?).

Manjaro stable, kernel 4.1.7, nvidia non-free drivers, plasma 5.4.1
Comment 1 Jeanne Varasco 2016-03-01 13:57:39 UTC
The Bug :
If you put a theme in the folder
/home/user_name/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/my_theme following breeze as model,
it appears in the system configuration > look and feel > workspace > look and feel 
but when you try to apply it, breeze is runing instead of the theme.
The same occurs with the splash screen and the loginscreen (sddm).

Remarks :
But the following items, taken separately :
the cursor theme into /home/user_name/.icons/ can be choosed in system configuration > lookandfeel > cursor theme OK
the desktoptheme in /home/user_name/.local/plasma/desktoptheme/ can be choosed in system configuration > appearance > desktop theme OK
the splash screen in /home/user_name/.local/plasma/look-and-feel/theme/contents/splash/ or  /home/user_name/.local/ksplash  (Bug 314912) Breeze is running instead the choosed theme. FAILED
the colors in /home/user_name/.local/colorscheme/ can be choosed in configuration > colors OK
the icon theme in /home/user_name/.local/icons/ can be choosed in system configuration > icons > icons OK
the emoticons in home/user_name/.local/emoticons/ can be choosed in system configuration > icons > emoticons OK
the decorations in  /home/user_name/.local/kwin/decorations/ can be choosed in systemsettings >application appearance  > window decorations OK
The gtk theme OK
The sddm theme in /home/user_name/.local/sddm/ can be choosed in workspace>stop-start>deconnect screen SDDM but when you choose it breeze runs instead of choosen theme. FAILED

I suppose that you should change the name of "default" for a theme.
But you can specify that the default theme = Breeze except if there is a user choosed theme. 
If a part of theme doesn't exist it will be replaced by Breeze.

The themes complete or not could be defined in the folder :
with the scheme:
  metadata.desktop (Model=Breeze, add in this model all possible choices, perhaps with explanation.)
    defaults (Model=Breeze, 
    /shortcut to /usr/share/icons/folder_of_icons__theme/ named appicons
    /shortcut to /usr/share/icons/folder_of_cursor_theme/ named cursors
    /shortcut to /usr/share/emoticons/folder_of_emoticons_theme/ named emoticons
    /shortcut to /usr/share/sddm/ named loginmanager
    /previews/ with all previews screens named as what they are make for, except the general theme preview which names preview
    /shortcut to /usr/share/ksplash/folder_of_splash_theme/ named splash
    /shortcut to /usr/share/kwin/decorations/folder_of_decoration_theme/ named windowdecoration
    /shortcut to /usr/share/kstyle/themes/ named style
    /shortcut to /usr/share/themes/folder_of_gtk_theme/ named gtkstyle
    /shortcut to /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/folder_of_desktoptheme/ named desktoptheme

Shortcuts are to avoid to forget possible part of the theme.
It is just a proposition.
Comment 2 David Edmundson 2018-04-25 21:43:41 UTC
This KCM has been effectively replaced with plasmathemeexplorer in plasma-sdk.

If your bug still remains please roepen it there.