Plasmoid pup-up dialogs are no longer automatically closed when they are no longer in focus. One could open the application menu (kicker) and then click on the desktop to de-focus the application menu. It will no longer close and it remains open until I click on the kicker icon. The same is valid for all the plasmoids in the panel. (plasma-nm, systray, powerdevil, bluedevil, etc). However the kmix (placed in systray) pup-up dialog still behaves correctly. It can happen that on the first click, the correct behavior is shown. However with subsequent openings of the pop-up dialog , the dialog can only be closed by clicking the plasmoid icon itself again. Reproducible: Always
I can confirm this. Opening Kickoff or systray and then clicking the panel or desktop will not close the popup. Likewise for an applet on the desktop. Only focussing another application will.
Git commit 5cf9c04ff5a6809bf67fa27c86f5393d1ba9d08b by Kai Uwe Broulik. Committed on 05/07/2015 at 13:23. Pushed by broulik into branch 'master'. Also check for SharedEngineView With the move to a shared QML engine infrastructure, the check for whether the focus item is a View no longer held and thus Plasma dialogs stayed opened when clicking the Desktop to dismiss them. CHANGELOG: Dialogs like Kickoff now properly close when clicking the Desktop REVIEW: 124260 FIXED-IN: 5.13 M +5 -1 src/plasmaquick/dialog.cpp
Tried the latest snapshot and the issue has been resolved
Closing the bug report now