Bug 336814 - Importing an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file (*.ods) always fails
Summary: Importing an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file (*.ods) always fails
Alias: None
Product: KEXI
Classification: Applications
Component: Migration/Import/Export (show other bugs)
Version: 2.9 Alpha
Platform: Compiled Sources All
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 2.8.4
Assignee: Jarosław Staniek
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Blocks: 336815
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Reported: 2014-06-27 21:46 UTC by Jarosław Staniek
Modified: 2014-06-29 21:37 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 2.8.4
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Jarosław Staniek 2014-06-27 21:46:49 UTC
Importing an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file (*.ods) always fails for a few reasons:
1. Copying contents of table(s) always fails; as it's unimplemented, should at least silently succeed
2. Sheet cannot contain column names that cannot be identifiers. Sample document: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309267#attach_74887). To fix this, string-to-identifier routine should be employed as in the rest of Kexi.
3. Sheet should contain unique column names. If a column is duplicated, add _N to it, where N is subsequent integer, increased from 1 until the name become unique.

(bugs found while fixing Bug #309267)
Comment 1 Jarosław Staniek 2014-06-29 21:32:24 UTC
Git commit 8251542da9e8d07ed8456efce688a2c02afcaca6 by Jaroslaw Staniek.
Committed on 27/06/2014 at 22:01.
Pushed by staniek into branch 'master'.

Fix crash and import failures for ODS import to Kexi

1. Copying contents of table(s) always fails; as it's unimplemented, now at least silently succeeds.
2. Sheets can now contain column names that cannot be identifiers. Sample document: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309267#attach_74887).
3. Sheet can contain non-unique column names. If a column is duplicated, add _N to it, where N is subsequent integer, increased from 1 until the name become unique.
Related: bug 309267


M  +53   -19   plugins/kexi/spreadsheet/spreadsheetmigrate.cpp
M  +4    -1    plugins/kexi/spreadsheet/spreadsheetmigrate.h

Comment 2 Jarosław Staniek 2014-06-29 21:36:33 UTC
Git commit 7f7a2482671e33dd0757784461d231d1228275a2 by Jaroslaw Staniek.
Committed on 27/06/2014 at 22:01.
Pushed by staniek into branch 'calligra/2.8'.

Fix crash and import failures for ODS import to Kexi

1. Copying contents of table(s) always fails; as it's unimplemented, now at least silently succeeds.
2. Sheets can now contain column names that cannot be identifiers. Sample document: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309267#attach_74887).
3. Sheet can contain non-unique column names. If a column is duplicated, add _N to it, where N is subsequent integer, increased from 1 until the name become unique.
Related: bug 309267


M  +53   -19   plugins/kexi/spreadsheet/spreadsheetmigrate.cpp
M  +4    -1    plugins/kexi/spreadsheet/spreadsheetmigrate.h
