Bug 335017 - konquest emits warning "QStateMachine::addState: state has already been added to this machine" when starting a new game
Summary: konquest emits warning "QStateMachine::addState: state has already been added...
Alias: None
Product: konquest
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Gentoo Packages Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Pierre Ducroquet
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Reported: 2014-05-19 00:19 UTC by Martin Walch
Modified: 2014-08-10 22:40 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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fix proposal (1.21 KB, patch)
2014-05-19 00:19 UTC, Martin Walch

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Martin Walch 2014-05-19 00:19:10 UTC
Created attachment 86703 [details]
fix proposal

When starting a new game in konquest, the warning

QStateMachine::addState: state has already been added to this machine

appears for each player. This is because in the constructor of the common Player class, the new object is added to the QStateMachine, and in LocalGame::buildMachine(), they are added again.
Comment 1 Martin Walch 2014-07-23 23:20:56 UTC
I just added the patch to the review board:

Comment 2 Albert Astals Cid 2014-08-10 22:40:42 UTC
Git commit 968ce5cd228ff9906b7aed0c936ddc06d36581da by Albert Astals Cid, on behalf of Martin Walch.
Committed on 10/08/2014 at 22:39.
Pushed by aacid into branch 'KDE/4.14'.

fix for bug #335017: konquest emits warning "QStateMachine::addState: state has already been added to this machine" when starting a new game
REVIEW: 119436

M  +5    -6    localgame.cpp
