Add operator== and operator!= to the classes GeoDataNetworkLink and GeoDataNetworkLinkControl. Make sure to include a call to the equals() method of GeoDataFeature in the implementation. The check for equality of m_abstractView in GeoDataNetworkLinkControl should be done just like GeoDataFeature does (see the description in bug 334276). Extend TestEquality for new unit test methods for GeoDataNetworkLink and GeoDataNetworkLinkControl instances. Make sure to compile Marble with the BUILD_MARBLE_TESTS=TRUE option enabled and run the test case from the build folder (run tests/TestEquality). Submit a review request at Please leave a comment here (e.g. "I want to work on this task.") if you start working on this task to avoid multiple people working on it at the same time.
I want to work on this task. I already finished solving the bug this bug depends on ( and I will like to solve this too.