(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: noatun Version: 1.2.0 (using KDE 2.2.1 ) Severity: normal Installed from: Debian Packages Compiler: gcc 2.95 OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified I think it would be nice if Noatun would remember size and position of open windows and also remember which plugin windows are open. Personally I use the Split playlist and the Excellent interface and when I start Noatun I must explicitly tell it to show the playlist and move the windows to where I want them. Both Excellent and Split also default to a certain size. In Split's case it actually adapts its width to make space for the name of the file with the longest name. This is a good thing but I would like it to keep my personally set height. Also it would be nice if both windows would turn up where I last closed them. I suppose the best design solution would be to provide an option for Noatun to keep window geometry settings and another option to remember which plugin windows were open. (Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
try "Store Settings" in the window manager
Version: KDE 3.0.0 CVS/CVSup/Snapshot Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc 2.95.4-13 OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: (debian woody) "Store settings" is not the solution because kwin can't handle this correctly e.g. if you set noatun playlist to size c*d (store this with kwin) and left noatun itself in the size a*b noatun will restart in size c*d. Two suggestions: a) Let kwin know that these are tow windows or b) Lets do noatun the window geometry managing itself (its more a hack in my opinion) (btw I call it a bug because it prevents I think so many users to switch to noatun - it is just bothering to adjust window(s) again and again) (Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
I agree that this is a bug since I am getting sick of moving the window everytime I minimize noatun into system tray. Then maximize uupss, ok drag from left top corner, and do it again. Should be fixed really
Just want to point out that relying on KWin's StoreSettings is not the best idea because it only works with KWin (although noatun can be run outside of KDE, and KDE can be run with another ICCCM(?)-compatible window manager). Another point is that the different plugins behave differently, e.g. kaiman and kjofol remember their window positions after hide()/show(), excellent, milk-chocolate does not and so on. That's not very sensible. It should really work out of the box for _every_ plugin because the users expects exactly this behaviour. And a solution: every plugin should overwrite show()/hide() and save QWidget::pos().