We are working on integrating support for KML Tours into Marble. The user interface will be a panel (like Routing, Map View, ...) where a tour can be loaded from a .kml file, edited, played and also recorded to a movie file. In this task the playlist items will get a custom item delegate that shows their properties. In a future task editing capabilities will be implemented on top of that. - Create a QStyledItemDelegate derived class which will render all playlist items. Have a look at MapThemeDownloadDialog for an example how to create such a delegate. - Each playlist item should show the properties to the left and an edit button to the right. In view mode (this task) the properties are shown using labels and it reacts to clicks (centers the map for flyto). Clicks on the edit button will change that behavior, but this is not going to be implemented in this task - TourControl items should show a label with the text "Play the tour" or "Pause the tour" - Wait items should show a label with the text "Wait for %1 seconds", %1 replaced with the value - FlyTo elements should show a label with the coordinates of the camera/lookat - SoundCue elements should show a play button (no functionality yet) and the name of the file in a label - Use the setItemDelegate method of the QListView in TourWidget to set the custom item delegate
I want to work on this.
Git commit ffb9e01a3c33ddffd72fc6458e8fa593e93fd1b0 by Dennis Nienhüser, on behalf of Cruceru Calin-Cristian. Committed on 19/03/2014 at 19:19. Pushed by nienhueser into branch 'master'. Playlist item styling for KML Tours REVIEW: 116797 A +- -- data/bitmaps/audio-x-generic.png A +- -- data/bitmaps/document-edit.png A +- -- data/bitmaps/media-playback-pause.png A +- -- data/bitmaps/player-time.png M +160 -1 src/lib/marble/TourWidget.cpp M +5 -0 src/lib/marble/libmarble.qrc http://commits.kde.org/marble/ffb9e01a3c33ddffd72fc6458e8fa593e93fd1b0