Make sure to compile Marble with the following cmake options enabled: BUILD_MARBLE_TESTS=TRUE, BUILD_MARBLE_TOOLS=TRUE. Move the inline KML file defined in TestScreenOverlay::simpleParseTest() to a new file tests/data/ScreenOverlay.kml. Add this file to TestGeoDataWriter. Execute tests/TestGeoDataWriter from the build folder to execute the unit test and make sure it finishes successfully. Use the tool kml2kml in the build folder to find errors in your implementation if the test fails. Once everything works, remove TestScreenOverlay. Add another ScreenOverlay to ScreenOverlay.kml where the ScreenOverlay tag is a direct child of the kml tag (not inside a folder). Make sure the unit test still works. Submit a review request at with the marble group as reviewers. Please leave a comment here (e.g. "I want to work on this task.") if you start working on this task to avoid multiple people working on it at the same time.
I want to work on this task.
Git commit a694358c5df3b34fc96ea7f21018e27c3ebdc510 by Dennis Nienhüser, on behalf of Sanjiban Bairagya. Committed on 26/02/2014 at 08:51. Pushed by nienhueser into branch 'master'. Simplify the ScreenOverlay unit test REVIEW: 116045 M +2 -2 src/lib/marble/geodata/writers/kml/KmlScreenOverlayWriter.cpp M +0 -1 tests/CMakeLists.txt M +9 -1 tests/TestGeoDataWriter.cpp D +0 -88 tests/TestScreenOverlay.cpp A +13 -0 tests/data/ScreenOverlay_Folder.kml A +11 -0 tests/data/ScreenOverlay_kml.kml