ContactCache should store groups, and the kpeople plugin should load them. Right now if I start up in group mode I see the ungrouped tag and then everything move. Which sucks.
Git commit 39c646849fb4b4b119d22b849710e2fd34c6e8c7 by Alexandr Akulich. Committed on 10/04/2014 at 18:15. Pushed by akulichalexandr into branch 'kde-telepathy-0.8'. KPeople plugin: Implemented groups cache support. REVIEW: 116706 M +28 -4 kpeople/datasourceplugin/im-persons-data-source.cpp
Git commit ef3b98f0aa1a0007866fd8c3eda5f72519c37b61 by Alexandr Akulich. Committed on 10/04/2014 at 11:10. Pushed by akulichalexandr into branch 'master'. KPeople plugin: Implemented groups cache support. REVIEW: 116706 M +26 -5 kpeople/datasourceplugin/im-persons-data-source.cpp