It would be very useful to able to click on messages which Qt spits out at runtime, such as: qrc:/foo/qml/bar.qml:25: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined -> Check if "foo/qml/bar.qml" points to a file in our current session and then just make sure we can open that file right away ASSERT: "!this->isEmpty()" in file ../../include/QtCore/../../../../../src/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qstack.h, line 65 -> Same here Note: Those particular examples are not even that expensive to parse via regex, as "ASSERT" and "qrc:" are always at the beginning of the line. Reproducible: Always
Git commit e5e1775c07f9add0a9b1f0688926f5fdc158e591 by Kevin Funk. Committed on 07/02/2014 at 10:17. Pushed by kfunk into branch 'master'. Introduce NativeAppErrorFilteringStrategy It's now possible to jump to runtime output error messages, such as those from Qt: Example (clickable) message: ASSERT: "errors().isEmpty()" in file /tmp/foo/bar.cpp, line 49 REVIEW: 115533 M +20 -0 outputview/outputfilteringstrategies.cpp M +15 -0 outputview/outputfilteringstrategies.h M +4 -0 outputview/outputmodel.cpp M +1 -0 outputview/outputmodel.h M +29 -0 outputview/tests/filteringstrategytest.cpp M +2 -0 outputview/tests/filteringstrategytest.h M +8 -2 plugins/execute/nativeappjob.cpp