When I'm in the middle of drawing a stroke with a brush and Krita decides it's time for an autosave, it will always fail with an error in the status bar, claiming something along the lines of "disk error or partition full?". (Forgive me for not taking the exact note on the error.) Krita will attempt another autosave quickly after that. Sometimes, if I'm in a drawing frenzy, Krita will fail numerous consecutive times until I stop. If Krita is not meant to autosave while the user is drawing, the bug here is the wrong error message, because there is nothing wrong with the HDD. It should just remain quiet instead.
Yep, I didn't disable the error message for saving during the stroke. This is surely a bug.
Git commit 4a5ff9608cc852816a59d55c523a1f8b8bcc3d1a by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 07/01/2014 at 15:37. Pushed by rempt into branch 'calligra/2.8'. We'll retry it later again, since we cannot save if the image is locked, so don't worry the user with alarming messages. M +2 -1 krita/ui/kis_doc2.cc M +10 -2 libs/main/KoDocument.cpp M +1 -1 libs/main/KoDocument.h http://commits.kde.org/calligra/4a5ff9608cc852816a59d55c523a1f8b8bcc3d1a
Git commit db6c869d1cc2d965da8acbc4864a3877e33b55c5 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 07/01/2014 at 15:37. Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'. We'll retry it later again, since we cannot save if the image is locked, so don't worry the user with alarming messages. M +2 -1 krita/ui/kis_doc2.cc M +10 -2 libs/main/KoDocument.cpp M +1 -1 libs/main/KoDocument.h http://commits.kde.org/calligra/db6c869d1cc2d965da8acbc4864a3877e33b55c5