Saved in Krita 2.6 .kra file filter layer with color adjustment looses it's settings (curves reseted to default) when open in 2.8pre-alpha. By the way, extracting a content of *.kra archives, I have found that in *.filterconfig 2.6 format it's only 3 curve param (obviously no alpha), but in 2.8 there are 4. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 81378 [details] Saved in 2.6
Created attachment 81379 [details] snapshot how it looks in 2.6
Created attachment 81380 [details] snapshot how it looks in 2.8pre-a
Edit the *.filterconfig can make that *.kra compatible with 2.6 OR 2.8. For 2.6 should be: <!DOCTYPE params> <params version="1"> <param name="nTransfers">3</param> <param name="curve0">0,0;0.502008,1;1,0;</param> <param name="curve1">0,0;0.297189,1;0.714859,0;1,1;</param> <param name="curve2">0,1;0.248996,0.493976;1,0;</param> </params> And for 2.8: <!DOCTYPE params> <params version="1"> <param name="nTransfers">4</param> <param name="curve0">0,0;0.502008,1;1,0;</param> <param name="curve1">0,0;0.297189,1;0.714859,0;1,1;</param> <param name="curve2">0,1;0.248996,0.493976;1,0;</param> <param name="curve3">0,0;1,1;</param> </params>
Thank you for all the information. We are going to look into it and fix it soon.
Also, the 4-th curve (alpha channel) don't work properly for now. I entered another bug:
Created attachment 82609 [details] Proposed solution : Checks the number of curves and then adds alpha if it is not present
Created attachment 82625 [details] Krita 2.6 images now work with krita 2.8 pre-alpha and vice versa.