Files opened via the flipbook thumbnails, always load direclty the bottom layer as the active layer, not last layer active while file saved ; it's visible working with *.ora or *.kra who both format save the last layer used ( active layer ) . To test : 1) Download : ( Its a series of 4 *.kra files , similar aspect thumbnails ) 2) open the four file independantly in Krita, and check : first file have first layer selected / second file second layer ... etc.... etc... The layer are named also to give feedback on the active one. 3) Create a flipbook with the 4 files 4) switch between the 4 files using flipbook thumbnails : only bottom layer is selected ; and it should select the last active layer. This is a workflow breaker.
Ack. This is a big issue with the way documents currently work in Krita. I've disabled the flipbook docker for now and am working on improving the document handling.
We'll have to do this "properly" after the mvc branch lands, for 2.9 or 3.0.