See examples/kml/Overlay.kml. Might be due to the bounding box being empty / not well defined.
Git commit 05acba924cead03d63c3d971fb2c6ab8055218be by Dennis Nienhüser. Committed on 01/01/2013 at 10:34. Pushed by nienhueser into branch 'master'. GeoDataPoint: Change GeoDataCoordinates inheritance to containment. If you run into this, please be reminded of GeoDataPoint's purpose: "Nevertheless GeoDataPoint shouldn't be used if you just want to store 3d coordinates of a point that doesn't need to be inherited from GeoDataGeometry In that case use GeoDataCoordinates instead which has nearly the same features and is much more light weight. Please consider this especially if you expect to have a high amount of points e.g. for line strings, linear rings and polygons." Fixes bounding box calculation. M +2 -2 src/lib/GeoPainter.cpp M +2 -2 src/lib/MarbleWidget.cpp M +3 -3 src/lib/Projections/SphericalProjection.cpp M +2 -2 src/lib/geodata/data/GeoDataPlacemark.cpp M +2 -2 src/lib/geodata/data/GeoDataPlacemark.h M +24 -16 src/lib/geodata/data/GeoDataPoint.cpp M +8 -5 src/lib/geodata/data/GeoDataPoint.h M +2 -0 src/lib/geodata/data/GeoDataPoint_p.h M +3 -3 src/lib/geodata/graphicsitem/GeoPhotoGraphicsItem.cpp M +9 -18 src/lib/geodata/handlers/kml/KmlCoordinatesTagHandler.cpp M +1 -1 src/lib/geodata/handlers/osm-namefinder/NamedTagHandler.cpp M +4 -4 src/lib/geodata/writers/kml/KmlPointTagWriter.cpp M +4 -4 src/lib/routing/RouteRequest.cpp M +1 -1 src/lib/routing/RoutingManager.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/render/overviewmap/OverviewMap.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/gosmore-reversegeocoding/GosmoreReverseGeocodingRunner.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/gpx/handlers/GPXwptTagHandler.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/json/JsonParser.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/nominatim-reversegeocoding/OsmNominatimReverseGeocodingRunner.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/nominatim-search/OsmNominatimSearchRunner.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/openrouteservice/OpenRouteServiceRunner.cpp M +1 -1 src/plugins/runner/osm/handlers/OsmNdTagHandler.cpp