Version: 4.2.0 (using KDE 4.6.0) OS: Linux Having disabled the review plugin in the settings, after a click on the commit action, I do not see any commit dialog any more, just the diff dialog at the bottom. I think the review + commit activities should be separated regarding that, thus it should just work fine. Reproducible: Always
Git commit c11a57c65eac89ff22fc53b9206d83fb889fc718 by generatorglukoff. Committed on 23/03/2011 at 23:41. Pushed by abatyiev into branch 'master'. Make VcsCommitDialog useful as fallback, when no PatchReview plugin loaded REVIEW: 100885 CCBUG: 267578 M +11 -8 vcs/vcspluginhelper.cpp M +50 -171 vcs/widgets/vcscommitdialog.cpp M +9 -34 vcs/widgets/vcscommitdialog.h M +29 -105 vcs/widgets/vcscommitdialog.ui
Fixed by Andrey. To Andrey: Can't you use BUG: to close bugs? in that case get in contact with an admin to get such privilege :) Thank you