Version: unspecified (using KDE 4.4.5) OS: Linux /sbin/halt is only supposed to halt the computer, in contrast to /sbin/poweroff. With sysvinit there's no difference between those two programs, however, other init systems like systemd take this more seriously. Therefore /sbin/poweroff should be used as default. See also Reproducible: Always
duplicate of rejected bug 74482 and bug 71182. i won't reject it this time, as now not only bsd is affected by the problem. i think an #ifdef linux in genkdmconf will do now.
Git commit a58c0a17217b14e2e47415cfdfb1e8bb0b61a4d3 by Oswald Buddenhagen. Committed on 05/03/2011 at 19:39. Pushed by ossi into branch 'KDE/4.6'. default to poweroff for HaltCmd on linux now that linux can have more bsd-like shutdown implementations (both in form of gentoo and of systemd), it makes sense to treat it the same. BUG: 267490 FIXED-IN: 4.6.2 M +1 -1 kdm/config.def
Oswald Buddenhagen, you should commit this fix to master branch or it will resurface in KDE SC 4.7.0.
not until the idea of merging stable branches into master is definitively from the table.