Version: 2.4.0 (using KDE 4.4.4) OS: Linux when moving my music to a different map, collection holds the old info to non-existing files. This in itself is not an issue as it is good for external storage etc. but it fails to inform the user that the info is not physical available. This leads to files that are in playlist but for some reason won't play. a notify that directory so and so isn't available would prevent confusion. Updating collection settings by removal of old map and adding new map solves it. I know it looks silly but beleive me it took some time before i figured out that i had moved the complete map to a different disk. Reproducible: Didn't try Actual Results: failing to play music files Expected Results: notification that the '/home/USER/. ./music/artist/album/track' isn't accessible. maybe with automatic rescanning and sequential notification that map.... is not available asking if it is ofline or that it needs to be removed from collection. OS: Linux (x86_64) release Compiler: gcc
What map are you talking about? Do you mean the database?
(In reply to comment #1) > What map are you talking about? Do you mean the database? i meant the music folder itself i had my music in a folder in my home directory and moved the whole folder to a new disk that i have mounted under '/media/storage' after this amarok still had the old information as if the folder in my home directory still existed.
Thank you for the feedback.
I want to know, did you mean the collection of Amarok (who save your tracks with directory when you add music or just the playlist?
Ok, something like what Windows Media Player does in library? You move something, and the library is updated instantaneously.
I understand, you want to be informed if one of the collection folders is not longer existing. (we are not talking here about the folder underneath it. Folders with albums in it get deleted every time) The keyword junior-job is already set. I agree.
I'll do it. Anyone I can ask about this?
(In reply to comment #7) > I'll do it. Anyone I can ask about this? Please ask in
*** Bug 279354 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Git commit 01d13d4becb370cd80e433303ec170a7d2eba066 by Bart Cerneels. Committed on 22/08/2011 at 13:47. Pushed by shanachie into branch 'master'. Grey out playlist items when unplayable. Patch by Sandeep Raghuraman BUG: 263640 REVIEW: 102181 GUI: M +66 -45 src/playlist/view/PlaylistViewCommon.cpp M +3 -1 src/playlist/navigators/TrackNavigator.cpp M +6 -0 src/core-impl/collections/daap/DaapMeta.cpp M +1 -0 ChangeLog M +4 -1 src/services/lastfm/meta/LastFmMeta.cpp M +30 -5 src/playlist/navigators/StandardTrackNavigator.cpp M +1 -0 src/services/ampache/AmpacheMeta.h M +5 -1 src/core-impl/meta/stream/Stream.cpp M +7 -1 src/core-impl/meta/file/File.cpp M +6 -1 src/core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/MediaDeviceMeta.cpp M +4 -0 src/core-impl/collections/upnpcollection/UpnpMeta.cpp M +9 -0 src/services/ampache/AmpacheMeta.cpp M +1 -0 src/core-impl/collections/daap/CMakeLists.txt M +7 -1 src/core-impl/collections/audiocd/AudioCdMeta.cpp M +21 -1 src/playlist/view/listview/PrettyItemDelegate.cpp M +1 -0 src/services/ampache/CMakeLists.txt