Bug 262865 - me03: Picture at the top of the Excel sheet is not displaying.
Summary: me03: Picture at the top of the Excel sheet is not displaying.
Alias: None
Product: calligrasheets
Classification: Applications
Component: filter/xls (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Unlisted Binaries Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Calligra Sheets (KSpread) Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-01-11 17:00 UTC by swathi
Modified: 2011-12-01 07:50 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Screenshot in MS Excel (292.51 KB, image/x-png)
2011-01-11 17:01 UTC, swathi
Screenshot in Calligra Tables (342.34 KB, image/x-png)
2011-01-11 17:02 UTC, swathi

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description swathi 2011-01-11 17:00:21 UTC
Version:git commit 5694375f398e19d93f1b06718485cf2bfac44826
         (using KDE 4.4.3)                
     OS:Kubuntu 10.04

Test data is in MS Excel 2003 format, which has picture at the top of the excel sheet.
Test data is there in the below link.
Open the same document in Calligra Tables,and check the display of picture.

Actual outcome:
Picture should be displayed.

Expected outcome:
Picture is not displaying
Comment 1 swathi 2011-01-11 17:01:27 UTC
Created attachment 55867 [details]
Screenshot in MS Excel
Comment 2 swathi 2011-01-11 17:02:05 UTC
Created attachment 55868 [details]
Screenshot in Calligra Tables
Comment 3 Inge Wallin 2011-05-16 15:21:17 UTC
This is a filter issue since Tables shows it correctly if the file is converted with OOo.
Comment 4 LukasT 2011-11-21 13:23:33 UTC
Git commit e7b5098d0d77504ed6779f70680d0c8c09c56a4c by Lukáš Tvrdý.
Committed on 21/11/2011 at 13:40.
Pushed by lukast into branch 'tables-filter-fix-pictures-ltvrdy'.

Fix missing images in groups

o use libmso to handle pictures
o fixes missing borders around pictures
o adds features from libmso like black and white mode

Known regressions: exposing more issues with z-index similar to bug 286607,
as z-index is not handled at all in the excel filter.


M  +5    -1    filters/libmso/pictures.cpp
M  +6    -46   filters/tables/excel/import/ExcelImport.cpp
M  +14   -3    filters/tables/excel/import/ODrawClient.cpp
M  +2    -34   filters/tables/excel/import/excelimporttoods.cc
M  +1    -32   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/cell.cpp
M  +1    -7    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/cell.h
M  +17   -29   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/excel.cpp
M  +1    -8    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/excel.h
M  +11   -15   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/globalssubstreamhandler.cpp
M  +0    -2    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/globalssubstreamhandler.h
M  +0    -66   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/objects.h
M  +1    -26   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/sheet.cpp
M  +0    -4    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/sheet.h
M  +13   -0    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/workbook.cpp
M  +4    -0    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/workbook.h
M  +4    -12   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/worksheetsubstreamhandler.cpp

Comment 5 LukasT 2011-11-23 08:37:32 UTC
Git commit 312d8bd2395d99d98dc226c40eb08574e547d591 by Lukáš Tvrdý.
Committed on 21/11/2011 at 13:40.
Pushed by lukast into branch 'master'.

Fix missing images in groups

o use libmso to handle pictures
o fixes missing borders around pictures
o adds features from libmso like black and white mode

Known regressions: exposing more issues with z-index similar to bug 286607,
as z-index is not handled at all in the excel filter.


M  +5    -1    filters/libmso/pictures.cpp
M  +6    -46   filters/tables/excel/import/ExcelImport.cpp
M  +14   -3    filters/tables/excel/import/ODrawClient.cpp
M  +2    -34   filters/tables/excel/import/excelimporttoods.cc
M  +1    -32   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/cell.cpp
M  +1    -7    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/cell.h
M  +17   -29   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/excel.cpp
M  +1    -8    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/excel.h
M  +11   -15   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/globalssubstreamhandler.cpp
M  +0    -2    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/globalssubstreamhandler.h
M  +0    -66   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/objects.h
M  +1    -26   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/sheet.cpp
M  +0    -4    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/sheet.h
M  +13   -0    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/workbook.cpp
M  +4    -0    filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/workbook.h
M  +4    -12   filters/tables/excel/sidewinder/worksheetsubstreamhandler.cpp

Comment 6 swathi 2011-12-01 07:50:32 UTC
Verified in 5992551fa6b6bf4e2d716728e086fd48ff905e33 .