---- Reported by bart.hanssens@fedict.be 2009-10-03 18:18:33 ---- Version: 2.0.82 (using KDE 4.3.1) Compiler: vc90 OS: MS Windows Windows 7, KWord 2.0.82: going to Tools > Autocorrection shows a submenu with 2 similar options: - Autocorrection (which can be checked and unchecked) - Autocorrect It's a bit confusion to see almost similar options, although after a few moments the difference became clear. The last one should perhaps be labeled "Autocorrect selection", since it seems you actually have to select the text you want to have corrected, prior to clicking on Autocorrect (at least on Win7) --- Bug imported by faure@kde.org 2010-12-16 00:31 --- This bug was previously known as bug 209322.
fixed in master