Bug 257520 - untranslated strings in lancelot gui
Summary: untranslated strings in lancelot gui
Alias: None
Product: plasma4
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: widget-lancelot (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Ivan Čukić
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-11-21 15:05 UTC by Burkhard Lück
Modified: 2011-04-06 09:24 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 4.6.3
Sentry Crash Report:

patch for broken xml markup in ui file (2.37 KB, patch)
2011-03-16 18:16 UTC, Burkhard Lück

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Burkhard Lück 2010-11-21 15:05:35 UTC
Version:           unspecified (using Devel) 
OS:                Linux

The lancelot GUI has some untranslated strings due to missing message extraction from these files in kdeplasma-addons/applets/lancelot/:


This bug is in branch 4.5 and in tunk as well.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
start lancelot in locale x-test:
Comment 1 Ivan Čukić 2010-11-21 16:51:28 UTC
The strings from application/ui_LancelotWindowBase.h are in application/i18n_strings.cpp, so those are extracted.

As for launcher/* and parts/*, those are missing. I'll move the Messages.sh to the upper directory - it should fix this?
Comment 2 Ivan Čukić 2010-11-21 17:00:19 UTC
p.s. I can't test locales at the moment - whatever I do, no application is translated.
Comment 3 Burkhard Lück 2010-11-21 17:18:52 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> The strings from application/ui_LancelotWindowBase.h are in
> application/i18n_strings.cpp, so those are extracted.
No, ui_LancelotWindowBase.h has seven i18n strings:

i18n("Switch User")
i18n("Log Out")
i18n("Lock Session")

and none of them is in application/i18n_strings.cpp

> As for launcher/* and parts/*, those are missing. I'll move the Messages.sh to
> the upper directory - it should fix this?

Btw. why don't you extract these messages directly from ui_LancelotWindowBase.h?
Then there is no need to sync ui_LancelotWindowBase.h and i18n_strings.cpp, which apparently failed here.
Comment 4 Ivan Čukić 2010-11-21 17:29:00 UTC

are in i18n_strings.cpp and the rest are never shown*. (I should probably remove them from .h then)

* These titles are replaced with accelerator-enabled strings
i18n("Switch User")
i18n("Log Out")
i18n("Lock Session")

The reason why ui_* wasn't being parsed in the beginning is that it was automatically generated during build-time from an .xml file. Currently, that is no longer the case (wanted to remove python build-time dependency) so it could be covered by Messages.sh.

I'd just need to clean it up a bit first.
Comment 5 Burkhard Lück 2010-11-22 22:05:04 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> As for launcher/* and parts/*, those are missing. I'll move the Messages.sh to
> the upper directory - it should fix this?

Yes, fixed thanks.

But I still see messages from the catalog liblancelot-datamodels untranslated (eg "Loc&k Session" "Log &Out" "Switch &User").
I don't see where the catalog liblancelot-datamodels is loaded actually.
Comment 6 Ivan Čukić 2010-11-22 22:47:54 UTC
It isn't being loaded - I'm waiting to see whether the 'library should load locales' patch gets in. (currently under discussion on core-devel)
Comment 7 Ivan Čukić 2010-12-25 10:26:19 UTC
Can you test this with the latest trunk or 4.6 branch? My i18n is still borked on the whole system.
Comment 8 Burkhard Lück 2011-01-06 21:44:20 UTC
Checked with latest trunk in locale x-test (http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/Building_KDE's_l10n_Module).

Everything seems to be translated except this:
* In Lancelot settings on the "Usage statistics" tab the text "The usage statistics ... to train them." The text is extracted to the catalog, no idea why it is not translated.
* In Applications - Favorites some items (Personal Information Manager / Systems Settings / File Manager / Instant Messenger) are untranslated.
Comment 9 Burkhard Lück 2011-03-16 18:16:51 UTC
Created attachment 58100 [details]
patch for broken xml markup in ui file

Please apply the patch to master and 4.6 and close the b
Comment 10 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-04-06 09:24:50 UTC
Git commit 06df2f1abebd166397d1c29262614cdc04ecf21e by Lamarque V. Souza.
Committed on 06/04/2011 at 09:26.
Pushed by lvsouza into branch 'KDE/4.6'.

Fix untranslated strings in lancelot gui.
Thanks Burkhard Lueck for this patch.

BUG: 257520
FIXED-IN: 4.6.3

M  +1    -1    applets/lancelot/application/ui/LancelotConfigBase.ui     

Comment 11 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-04-06 09:24:50 UTC
Git commit b28cb74bbb53b09bc7db5925ee3877979ade0e5e by Lamarque V. Souza.
Committed on 06/04/2011 at 09:26.
Pushed by lvsouza into branch 'master'.

Fix untranslated strings in lancelot gui.
Thanks Burkhard Lueck for this patch.

BUG: 257520
FIXED-IN: 4.6.3

M  +1    -1    applets/lancelot/application/ui/LancelotConfigBase.ui     
