Bug 25594 - thread reconstruction
Summary: thread reconstruction
Alias: None
Product: kmail2
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.99.0
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
: 31073 53252 86129 86284 131120 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-05-11 18:18 UTC by mdione
Modified: 2019-07-28 20:49 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

See Also:
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Sentry Crash Report:

different choices for one entry (304.67 KB, image/png)
2019-07-28 20:02 UTC, Altery Disroot

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description mdione 2001-05-11 18:16:24 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           kmail
Version:           1.2.2 (using KDE 2.2.0 CVS >=20010503)
Severity:          wishlist
Installed from:    compiled sources
Compiler:          gcc version 2.95.3 19991030 (prerelease)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.4.3
OS/Compiler notes: 

Knowing that threads are built from the In-Reply-To field I would like a mechanism to force a mail sent from a MUA that *doesn't* set this field to the mesg-id of a arbitrary mail

in english I would like to fix mails that break threading.

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
(Called from KBugReport dialog)
Comment 1 Dmitry S. Makovey 2003-06-11 20:38:46 UTC
it also would be nice to have something like "attach message th thread" and be 
able to specify where exactly to put it.
Comment 2 Dan Allen 2004-02-29 21:27:53 UTC
In short, I think that messages with the same subject that include an RE: should be put together as a thread if this option is set in the preferences.  Mutt has a similar feature it refers to as "aggressive threading"
Comment 3 Michael Jahn 2004-07-09 21:52:29 UTC
With 3.3 beta 1 (and maybe even older releases) there are two options "Thread messages" and "Thread messages also by subject" which is what you want I presume. If nobody objects I will close this soon.
Comment 4 Adrian von Bidder 2004-07-20 11:04:15 UTC
No, this is *not* the same.

Threading by subject does not do proper threading, messages are attached to the thread at the wrong place.  I agree with the original requestor that it would be very nice to arbitrarily fix In-Reply-To headers, i.e. attach a message to an arbitrary mail in an arbitrary thread.

If anything, this bug should be merged with 53252
Comment 5 Ismail Donmez 2004-07-20 19:46:34 UTC
*** Bug 53252 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Ismail Donmez 2004-07-20 19:54:03 UTC
*** Bug 31073 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Tom Albers 2004-07-30 11:59:08 UTC
*** Bug 86284 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Tom Albers 2004-07-31 01:00:23 UTC
*** Bug 86129 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Costia Desch 2004-07-31 04:11:02 UTC
Please look at the bug # 61891 where I suggested solution to threading 

Comment 10 Adrian von Bidder 2004-11-12 11:18:16 UTC
Costia: IMHO automatic thread fixing will never, in practice, be totally reliable.  I still wish for the ability to arbitrarily attach messages to threads.
Comment 11 Mircea Bardac 2004-12-02 18:51:59 UTC
Bug # 86284 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug.

I personally can't see here where it is mentioned the ability to BREAK threads?
Comment 12 Karsten Dambekalns 2005-01-25 11:53:40 UTC
I totally agree, and this is one of the things that keeps me as a mutt user for the time being. Manually fixing threads (linking *and* breaking) is a must-have for me.

In mutt it works like this: for linking a message to another, first tag the message to be linked to another (press t) then go to the target message and press &. Voila, the tagged message gets an In-Reply-To header pointing to the target message.

Breaking is even easier, pressing # removes any In-Reply-To header, which is awesome for fixing threads that result from someone answering to a mail but being completely off-topic.

Possible solutions:

Ok, breaking a thread is easy to mimic (create filter that removes the needed headers, bind that to a shortcut).

What about linking? Filters can add headers, but I'd need to know the msg-id for this to work. I could look it up, but then I'd have to edit the filter first, then run it. Any better solution?
Comment 13 Adrian von Bidder 2005-01-26 14:24:53 UTC
>>> Ok, breaking a thread is easy to mimic (create filter that removes the needed headers, bind that to a shortcut). <<<
Hmmm.  Because of the significant number of Outlook users (etc.), I use threading by subject, too...
Comment 14 Costia Desch 2005-06-21 11:18:49 UTC
So, so far no comments/results/opinions about ability manually 
thread/untread email messages ? 

Seems like an important topic for users , no ?
Comment 15 Nicolas Girard 2005-06-21 11:48:54 UTC
> Seems like an important topic for users , no ? 

It is, definitely...
Comment 16 Adrian von Bidder 2005-06-21 12:04:36 UTC
Costia:  Don't know what exactly you're referring to.  I don't run HEAD usually, and KDE 3.4 hasn't added anything like the desired features, so I'm not sure what comments you'd like to see.  If HEAD really did add something, I'd be inclined to try, but last time I tried it was pretty much impossible for the uninitiated to just compile kmail (I don't want to scrap my KDE install, after all...)
Comment 17 Costia Desch 2005-06-21 12:42:10 UTC
Adrian , actually, I am just trying to raise this important
issue again, just in case someone from KMail development team
is reading this thread and considers ability to classify
messages as important part of work with information ( email ).
I.E. ability to manually define threading, in my opinion,
is much higher in priority than any other of the wishlists
I've seen so far.
That is the reason, I am wondering why this topic hasn't got
the attention it should. 

P.S. just about recently (3-5) days ago, another information-management
tool ( livejournal.com ) has added exactly the ability to define where
piece of information belongs to. It is very sad to see that KMail still
doesn't give me an ability to organize my content the way I feel it should
be organized. ( i.e. manually define which thread message belongs to ).
Comment 18 Till Adam 2005-06-21 14:07:48 UTC
As long as we have still more than 700 bugs, many of them crashes, it is very 
unlikely that anyone from the core team will get to this before, say, 2013. 
So if this is so important to you (this wish doesn't really have many votes, 
so I'm wondering if others feel the same way), implement it yourself, or 
find/pay someone to do so. This is Free Software after all. Note that I'm not 
saying this to be grumpy, I just thought I'd tell you that it's not realistic 
to wait for us to implement this any time soon, sadly.

Cheers, and thanks for using KMail,

Comment 19 Costia Desch 2005-06-21 14:40:18 UTC
Till !

Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately, the voting system does not always reflect
the most important features to consider ( you would need to 
define at least the level(competence ) of the reviewer to
have more complete picture ( i.e. is the person software developer/user,
if developer - how many years developing software etc ). 
Anyhow, ability to have a 2-dimensional view on your Inbox gives you
ability to classify the messages, similar to having
"group" (alt.linux.development)  in news reader ( imagine having all 
the news messages in your inbox without group classifications ).
Personal inbox contains a bit less information , but nonetheless,- ability
to define to which "topic" they belong is not less important than the 
case described above.
Personally, I'd love to dip into exploring Kmail's code - but afraid
that it will take me much more time to understand it, even more - add
anything usefull to it ( as developer, coming from windows ).
Let's hope this question can reach the needed magnitude for the development
team to leverage it's resources ( no pressure intended ).

Sincerely, Costia.

P.S. Thank you for creating a usable email client!
Comment 20 Thomas McGuire 2007-02-14 17:39:54 UTC
Breaking threads already works with KMail, you just need to create a filter:

Filter Criteria:
Match all of the following
  <size> is greater than or equal to 0

Filter Action:
Remove Header: In-Reply-To
Remove Header: References

Advanced: ONLY check 
"Add this filter to the Apply Filter menu" and
"Additionally add this filter to the toolbar" (and select a nice icon)

Now, if people highjack threads, simpy select the message and click the toolbar button. Be aware that the two headers will be permanently deleted, you will not be able to undo the thread breaking.
Comment 21 Bram Schoenmakers 2007-03-08 23:46:18 UTC
*** Bug 131120 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22 Costia Desch 2007-03-09 07:43:31 UTC
Still no ability for the user to add messages to threads manually, without creating filters ? I'll have to create folders for each thread, then ! :)
Comment 23 Costia Desch 2007-03-09 19:24:27 UTC
It seems, it makes sense to close this "bug". Since, after 5 years of discussions noone from development teams finds this feature important enough to put it in roadmap plan it can be removed from bugtraq to reduce amount of unsolved bugs ?
Just as a summary - the feature was - ability to manually define which thread messages belong to, i.e. manual threading.
Comment 24 Adrian von Bidder 2007-03-10 11:12:48 UTC
It's an open wishlist item.  The fact that nobody had time to code something up doesn't mean there's not people who still wish for that feature.
Comment 25 Thomas McGuire 2009-03-19 00:08:33 UTC
*** Bug 185666 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 26 Anne-Marie Mahfouf 2011-12-01 09:59:06 UTC
Reassigning to KMail2 as it seems still valid. Please comment if you think otherwise.
Comment 27 Costia Desch 2011-12-23 01:53:23 UTC
I doubt this is still relevant.
Comment 28 Maarten ter Huurne 2011-12-23 07:17:50 UTC
There is still no feature that lets you add a message to a thread. And while it is possible to remove a message from a thread using the filter technique described by Thomas in #20, it requires non-trivial setup that most users won't think of by themselves. So I think this wish is still relevant.
Comment 29 Erik Quaeghebeur 2014-11-11 15:44:59 UTC
I think this feature request is still very much relevant.

(In reply to Karsten Dambekalns from comment #12)
> Ok, breaking a thread is easy to mimic (create filter that removes the
> needed headers, bind that to a shortcut).
> What about linking? Filters can add headers, but I'd need to know the msg-id
> for this to work. I could look it up, but then I'd have to edit the filter
> first, then run it. Any better solution?

This seems to indicate almost all functionality is present in KMail except for filters that can take two (or more... In-Reply-To may contain multiple ids) ordered arguments (highlighted mails), no?
Comment 30 Altery Disroot 2019-07-28 20:02:00 UTC
Created attachment 121801 [details]
different choices for one entry

Wanted to show how the list appears.
I think it should be better to have a checkable list.
For Instance, Qogir has some very interesting themes, but with this interface, intalling them all is impossible.
Comment 31 Erik Quaeghebeur 2019-07-28 20:49:26 UTC
(In reply to Altery Disroot from comment #30)
> Wanted to show how the list appears.
> I think it should be better to have a checkable list.
> For Instance, Qogir has some very interesting themes, but with this
> interface, intalling them all is impossible.
Wrong bug?