Version: 1.3.0 OS: Linux Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: click "+" then select "all supported files" then movies don't appears in list then select ""video files" then list is empty .mov and flv are supported by default Actual Results: can't export a movie Expected Results: can export amovie OS: Linux (i686) release Compiler: gcc
SVN commit 1205235 by nlecureuil: Allow to upload mov files into picasa webalbum Add some file formats from picasa website BUG: 244702 M +1 -1 picasawebimglist.cpp WebSVN link:
From picasa website this is written that flv files are not allowed "Picasa Web Albums does not accept Flash (.flv) or Real Media Video (.rm) files " Btw i added mov support into picasa