Bug 23637 - Konqueror crashes when closing terminal emulation
Summary: Konqueror crashes when closing terminal emulation
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.0.2
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-04-03 20:03 UTC by kalpaha
Modified: 2002-09-16 14:43 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description kalpaha 2001-04-03 19:48:37 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           konqueror
Version:           2.1 (using KDE 2.1.9 >= 20010310)
Severity:          normal
Installed from:    compiled sources
Compiler:          gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (Debian release)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.4.3
OS/Compiler notes: 

First of all the bug can be reproduced following these steps:

1. Open a konqueror (in file browsing mode)
2. Show a terminal emulation at the bottom
3. Open any file in the file browsing view
4. Go back from the opened file to the browsing view
5. Close the terminal emulation (Ctrl-D)
It always crashes.

Hopefully this enables you to reproduce the bug and track it  further since I could not get any larger picture of what was going on.

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
(Called from KBugReport dialog)
Comment 1 John Firebaugh 2001-07-17 03:40:33 UTC
Reproduceable with current cvs. To reproduce: Open the terminal emulator. 
Preview a file in the embedded viewer. Press CTRL-D in the terminal. I'd 
post a backtrace but the one I get is useless.

Comment 2 David Faure 2001-07-17 10:59:33 UTC
On Tuesday 17 July 2001 05:40 John Firebaugh wrote:
> Reproduceable with current cvs. To reproduce: Open the terminal emulator. 
> Preview a file in the embedded viewer. Press CTRL-D in the terminal. I'd 
> post a backtrace but the one I get is useless.

I have investigated that bug long ago and I gave up. Looks like some weird
timing issue. Someone who knows about konsole should look into it.
It's a konsole[part] bug anyway not a Konqueror bug.

David FAURE david@mandrakesoft.com faure@kde.org
http://perso.mandrakesoft.com/~david/ http://www.konqueror.org/
KDE Making The Future of Computing Available Today
Comment 3 Waldo Bastian 2002-03-27 01:30:39 UTC
Still reproducable. (SuSE 7.3)

Seems it only happens if you view a file before closing the terminal.

bastian@kde.org  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian@suse.com
Comment 4 Stephan Binner 2002-04-29 06:44:04 UTC
Fixed in KDE 3.0.1.
Comment 5 Bugzilla Maintainers 2002-09-11 07:04:46 UTC

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