(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: kdevelop Version: KDE 2.1.0 Severity: wishlist Installed from: Debian Package 4:2.1-final-0.potato1 (2.2) Compiler: gcc version 2.95.2 20000220 (Debian GNU/Linux) OS: Linux 2.2.18pre21 i686 OS/Compiler notes: I'd like to have structs parsed and displayed in the same way as classes are. The current solution to have structs in a separate tree of the class-view is not optimal especially considering that structs and classes in C++ only differ in that a class' member is private by default while a struct's is public. You'd get two things for the price of one there since the code that parses structs is slightly broken anyway.... Thanks Ulrich Eckhardt (Submitted via bugs.kde.org) (Called from KBugReport dialog. Fields E-Mail manually changed)
fixed in kdevelop 3.
moving to kdevplatform's classbrowser