Version: 2.2.1 (using KDE 4.3.3) OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages During audio playback in Amarok, the scrobbler for the service, specifically its "Listening Now" status, bugs out. Play a few songs with the scrobbler enabled and keep an eye out on the satus on your page. After a track or so, the "Listening Now" status for the current track playing vanishes, and tracks are added after playback, but the "Listening Now" status remains gone until you restart Amarok.
Please upgrade to Amarok 2.2.2, this should be solved now.
Still occurs in 2.2.2, and even 2.3 beta. Using a fresh amarok config has yielded negative results as well.
Are your tracks correctly tagged?
Yes files are correctly tagged. Testing with Banshee gives a positive result.
Changing version. Leo, any ideas?
Another thing I picked up on that might help, I cannot get some intros/short tracks (typically under 30 seconds, a minute max I suppose?) to scrobble either.
that's because scrobbling of tracks <30s is not allowed by
Oh, did not know that about tracks <30s. Thanks for that tidbit. :) I looked around and Banshee used to have a similar problem with their old scrobbler that got fixed before they switched to the newer scrobbler. Unsure if it helps, but the problems seemed very similar (I used to use Banshee not so long ago), I'll link just in case its of any interest... Report: Commit:
According to my observations, when you start up Amarok and start playing, the first now playing notification gets displayed all right. However, when Amarok finishes the first track and starts playing another one immediately, the notification isn't shown. Also, when you listen to something, stop playing for a while and then start a song from the beginning, the notification is all right. As I see this, the likely cause is that when changing tracks, Amarok sends both the now playing submission for the new track and the scrobble for the old one at the same time. The server probably picks them up in the wrong order, therefore the now playing submission gets invalidated immediately by the song already finished. I see two solutions to this: 1) serialize the submissions, i. e. wait for response to the scrobble before sending the notification 2) implement the up-to-date 2.0 scrobbling API ( – this approach incorporates the notifications and scrobbles into the web services API. Personally I'd suggest the second option since version 1.2.1 of the protocol is deprecated (as you can see in the page linked above). and might be useful.
Isn't this solved already since quite some time? I can scrobble correctly here with Amarok 2.4-git
Scrobbling was not an issue. Anyway, on 2.3.90, the now playing notifications have about 47% success rate here. I couldn't find a pattern in the failing notifications, however, I check often and about half the time the notification is shown correctly and about half the time it isn't there. The debug log shows they were all submitted all right to the submission server.
Sorry if I play dumb, but what "now playing notifications" are you talking about? In or in the Amarok status bar?
(Sorry, I thought I already replied a few days ago...) I'm talking about all the time, by now playing notifications I mean the submissions sent to and I consider them successful when the profile page shows I'm currently listening to the song. Hope this is clear enough.
Yes, you are clear enough. This is likely due to an overload on the servers, nothing we can do about.