Version: 2.3.1 (using 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1) "release 3", openSUSE Factory) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (x86_64) release Although I have set a download speed maximum of 120 KB/s for kget I get a speed of 213 KB/s for the download I have just started (http). Limiting download speed would be a good thing because it ensured the responsiveness of my internet connection.
Well the limiting is just not implemented for the http/ftp protocol... for bittorrent it should work... Lukas
Lukas, here for the next kget version I think it's better to specify this thing in the settings page. It's absolutely not clear.
Yes, it will be great to control download speed on http/ftp protocols.
*** Bug 265001 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 259836 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Please make this working some how. You don't exactly endear yourself when you max out the entire internet connection which you share with other people...
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
We might be able to implement download speed maximum for the ftp protocol. The problem is that we use kio internally and that currently does not support this feature. Using KIO has its advantages though like proxy support etc.
Hey Matthias...:) I have tried implementing rate control in ftp kio slave. I have already sent two patches in KDE review board. Can you try it on? 1st patch: 2nd patch: Apply in this order. Let me know if you are getting some problem.
Lukas tried the first patch at DS and it worked nice. I have no time trying it the next week, but I hope to be able to look into it from them. A general problem is that kdelibs master is frozen and there won't be a feature release of it anymore for the 4.x series. Let's see if you can get it in nonetheless.
*** Bug 286811 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Has this been implemented since or is it still open with current 2.8.90?
At least with HTTP (which I use 99% of the time) it's still the same. No bandwidth limit.
Yes, it is still not implemented for http/ftp... Lukas
*** Bug 299682 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
...and still not in KDE 4.10.2....
*** Bug 337004 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Thank you for the bug report. As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists. If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.
Just tried to download link with download speed limit set to the 5 KiB/s. But I see that real download speed is around 6 MiB/s. So bug still there with us.
Forgot to specify kget version: 20.12.3.