Bug 209312 - Amarok 2.1.1: seeking on flac file doesnt's work
Summary: Amarok 2.1.1: seeking on flac file doesnt's work
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.1.1
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Amarok Developers
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Reported: 2009-10-03 16:16 UTC by Alex
Modified: 2009-10-03 19:05 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Alex 2009-10-03 16:16:43 UTC
Version:           2.1.1 (using 4.2.4 (KDE 4.2.4), Kubuntu packages)
Compiler:          cc
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.28-15-generic

Play some flac file in amarok,
Yry to change current playing position (click on "Track Progress bar").
Actual result: playing is stopped.
Expected result: playing is continued from new position.
Comment 1 Mark Kretschmann 2009-10-03 16:42:13 UTC
This is not an Amarok bug, but a peculiarity of xinelib:

Xine requires a "seek-table" (seekpoints) in FLAC files. You can add them with the tool "metaflac". Google for it.

Also, Amarok 2.2.0 has been released. You may want to upgrade :)
Comment 2 Alex 2009-10-03 17:36:30 UTC
Thank you for the answer.
I'm really wonder that Rythmbox can seek in flac but Amarok can't (on the same file).
I'll update the bug, if I find that the problem is in Amarok.

If updrage is possible for ubuntu 9.04, I'll updrade. But it seems it'll be possible after upgrading to ubuntu 9.10 (not released yet).
Comment 3 Mark Kretschmann 2009-10-03 19:05:12 UTC
The answer is simple: Rhythmbox uses GStreamer, not xine.

There is a GStreamer Phonon backend, you could try that. It may be a bit buggy, YMMV.