Version: (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources Hi. In file jobuidelegate.cpp function KIO::RenameDialog_Result KIO::JobUiDelegate::askFileRename(KJob * job, const QString & caption, const QString& src, const QString & dest, KIO::RenameDialog_Mode mode, QString& newDest, KIO::filesize_t sizeSrc, KIO::filesize_t sizeDest, time_t ctimeSrc, time_t ctimeDest, time_t mtimeSrc, time_t mtimeDest) section KIO::RenameDialog_Result res = static_cast<RenameDialog_Result>(dlg.exec()); newDest = dlg.newDestUrl().toLocalFile(); The newDest = dlg.newDestUrl().toLocalFile(); not work with url with protocol, I think is good dlg.newDestUrl().path();
SVN commit 1013226 by dfaure: Giuseppe Della Bianca is completely right, this should be path(), not toLocalFile(). Wrong Windows porting... Fix will be in 4.3.1. BUG: 204322 M +1 -1 jobuidelegate.cpp WebSVN link: