Bug 184385 - When clicking inside an inactive window it does not raise although it is configured to do so.
Summary: When clicking inside an inactive window it does not raise although it is con...
Alias: None
Product: kwin
Classification: Plasma
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWin default assignee
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Reported: 2009-02-15 12:33 UTC by Yannis Tsopokis
Modified: 2012-03-12 02:52 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Yannis Tsopokis 2009-02-15 12:33:27 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.0)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

I have set Window Behavior, focus, policy "Click to focus" and Window actions, Inactive Inner Window, Left Button "Activate, Raise & pass Click". At first it works fine. Then I make some changes in the configuration and when I change Desktop -> Desktop Effect -> Advanced -> XRender Options and activate "Smooth scaling", then clicking inside any window (Except Firefox!) passes the click but does not activate or raise. Deactivating "Smooth scaling" does not solve the problem.
Comment 1 Michael Leupold 2010-10-10 18:01:42 UTC
Can you reproduce this bug on a recent version of KDE eg. 4.5? It seems to work alright for me.
Comment 2 Thomas Lübking 2012-03-12 02:52:51 UTC
Obviously outdated, no reply since 15 months and the report is far too unsharp to make anything out of it (and i use xrender on one of my systems everyday)