Bug 183507 - konsole (or desktop?) redraws slowly when has focus; especially when maximized
Summary: konsole (or desktop?) redraws slowly when has focus; especially when maximized
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.1
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2009-02-07 01:55 UTC by Dmitry
Modified: 2009-02-20 15:44 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Dmitry 2009-02-07 01:55:01 UTC
Version:           2.1 (using 4.2.00 (KDE 4.2.0), Gentoo)
Compiler:          x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
OS:                Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.28-gentoo-r1

(I'm using composite extensions of Kwin)

The easiest way to reproduce this effect is the following:

- desktop1: open konsole and maximize it.
- desktop 2: open some other application (konqueror for example)
- switch to empty desktop 3 

Switching from desktop 3 to desktop 2 is almost immediate, whereas switching to desktop 2 takes around 0.6 second. This delay exist almost every time.

Now open another window on desktop 2, system activity for example, so current focused window is not konsole. Further switching from ome desktop to another is also immediately.

And the least: focused, but not maximized konsole is performing fast. Maybe the size of the window is making the case.

I noticed that time since konsole was last used is also affecting on it's responsivity somehow.

P.S:  This effect is taking place ONLY with console. Switching between other desktops (no matter how many windows are opened) is fast.
Comment 1 Robert Knight 2009-02-07 13:08:40 UTC
Which graphics card/driver combination are you using?

> And the least: focused, but not maximized konsole is performing
> fast. Maybe the size of the window is making the case

Does it depend on the amount of text visible in the window?
Comment 2 Dmitry 2009-02-07 13:27:12 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Which graphics card/driver combination are you using?

I'm using asus X50N notebook with nVidia GeForce 7000M card and nvidia drivers 180.27

> Does it depend on the amount of text visible in the window?
No, it does not. Clear console and console with midnight commander performs almost equally.
Comment 3 Robert Knight 2009-02-07 13:48:55 UTC
Does it help if you run konsole with the --notransparency argument?
Comment 4 Dmitry 2009-02-08 09:53:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Does it help if you run konsole with the --notransparency argument?

No, it does not. However, sometimes this effect is totally disppears and all desktops are performing fast (even switching from one konsole desktop to another). But this remains only for some seconds, then back to "normal".

> Switching from desktop 3 to desktop 2 is almost immediate, whereas switching to
> desktop 2 takes around 0.6 second. This delay exist almost every time.

Oh, I am sorry. I made a mistake here. "whereas switching to
desktop _1_ takes around 0.6 second." of course

Comment 5 Dmitry 2009-02-20 15:44:22 UTC
After upgrading to the latest version of KDE 4.2 from gentoo repositories (4.2.0-r3), it is working for me now.