Version: 1.11.0 (using 4.2.00 (KDE 4.2.0), Debian packages) Compiler: cc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.26-1-amd64 Filtering by size should be done in KB or MB, but not in bytes which beginners doesn't understand.
I forgot to say that the size in list window is not displayed in bytes but in KB or MB
Basically, you want the addition of two new filters: Size in Kb (or Kib), and Size in Mb (or Mib), with their corresponding Kb or Mb size.
Yes, may be only size in Mb and the ability to set lower size using something like 0.5
Git commit 711640eb25facfd1c72fa9f237b5aeb3fc29dcbd by Montel Laurent. Committed on 25/04/2012 at 19:23. Pushed by mlaurent into branch 'master'. Fix Bug 183449 - filtering with size in bytes is not understandable for ordinary users FIXED-IN: 4.9 M +284 -8 mailcommon/rulewidgethandlermanager.cpp