Version: (using KDE 4.2.0) OS: Linux Installed from: Unspecified Linux In KDE 4.2, if you drag and drop the Lock/Logout icons to the taskbar, and then hover your mouse pointer above the icons, no message/information balloon appears obove the icons. Additionally, there are no 'press' indication effects when you point and click on the icon. Otherwise, the icons function normally.
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SVN commit 925637 by ksmanis: FEATURE: 177021 CCBUG: 183148 1.Provide tooltips for the lockout plasmoid. (The above keywords refer to this fix) 2.Also fixed a bug which was introduced by my previous commit: the plasmoid didn't resize to the maximum size allocated by plasma when showing/hiding buttons. (eg. when on a panel) M +7 -0 lockout.cpp WebSVN link: