Version: (using KDE 4.2.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages It would be nice if Digikam allowed the user to configure the slideshow wait time directly from the slideshow icon's pulldown menu.
Do you talk about advanced sildeshow kipi-plugins ? Gilles Caulier
If the Digikam slideshow is in the kipiplugins, then yes. I do not have access to the machine in question at the moment to check.
Gilles I don't think Dotan is talking about the KIPI plugin. Dotan, do you start the slideshow by pressing F9? If so, we are talking about the normal built-in slideshow. Do you get a configure dialog before the slideshow is started? If not, we are still talking about the built-in slideshow :-) Andi
She starts the slideshow from the toolbar button. I have not seen a configuration dialog, but may have not been there the first time she ran it. In any case, my suggestion is valid for _all_ slideshows in Digikam. If there is another, better slideshow then I will suggest that she use it, but this feature would still be wanted.
I propose to only implement this feature in advanced slideshow. digiKam slideshow tool is simple image player. Gilles Caulier
Hi I think this bug should be closed now. Advanced Slideshow takes care of it. Smit