Bug 182579 - New tab opens in wrong directory
Summary: New tab opens in wrong directory
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 189528
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.2
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-01-31 14:26 UTC by Vivien Mallet
Modified: 2009-12-29 12:40 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Vivien Mallet 2009-01-31 14:26:18 UTC
Version:           2.2 (using KDE 4.2.0)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

I found two situations where Konsole does not seem to open a new tab in the right directory.

First situation:
1) Open a new Konsole.
2) Open a man page, e.g., "man g++".
3) Open a new tab.
4) Return to the first tab and quit the man page.
5) Open a new tab again: it opens in "/usr/share/man/" instead of opening in the directory of the first tab.

Second situation:
1) Open a new Konsole (or just a new tab in any Konsole). You are then in $HOME (in the default configuration).
2) Change directory, e.g., "cd /usr/".
3) Open a new tab: it opens in $HOME instead of /usr/.
Comment 1 Kurt Hindenburg 2009-02-22 19:15:32 UTC
yea, same on trunk.
1. only tab = man g++
2. open new tab - initial dir is /usr/share/man
Comment 2 Oscar Pereira 2009-12-08 22:00:08 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> Version:           2.2 (using KDE 4.2.0)
> OS:                Linux
> Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
> I found two situations where Konsole does not seem to open a new tab in the
> right directory.
> First situation:
> 1) Open a new Konsole.
> 2) Open a man page, e.g., "man g++".
> 3) Open a new tab.
> 4) Return to the first tab and quit the man page.
> 5) Open a new tab again: it opens in "/usr/share/man/" instead of opening in
> the directory of the first tab.
> Second situation:
> 1) Open a new Konsole (or just a new tab in any Konsole). You are then in $HOME
> (in the default configuration).
> 2) Change directory, e.g., "cd /usr/".
> 3) Open a new tab: it opens in $HOME instead of /usr/.

(In reply to comment #1)
> yea, same on trunk.
> 1. only tab = man g++
> 2. open new tab - initial dir is /usr/share/man

Observed the same behaviour on Konsole 2.3.3 (KDE 4.3.4 - ArchLinux).

Sometimes it's just enough to open Konsole, open a man page, and open a new tab (and the initial dir will be /usr/share/man). But on some occasions it is necessary to open a new tab, go back to the first and quit the man page, and then open another tab (which will start on the wrong directory)
Comment 3 Hervé Cauwelier 2009-12-23 17:59:31 UTC
Clone of bug 189528?
Comment 4 Kurt Hindenburg 2009-12-29 06:19:19 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 189528 ***