Bug 171065 - audiocd protocol genrate unplayable mp3 files
Summary: audiocd protocol genrate unplayable mp3 files
Alias: None
Product: kio
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: audiocd (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: icefox
: 171464 176024 181789 184355 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-09-14 18:32 UTC by giuseppe
Modified: 2009-07-22 19:29 UTC (History)
17 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
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Sentry Crash Report:


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Description giuseppe 2008-09-14 18:32:38 UTC
Version:           1.1 (using 4.1.1 (KDE 4.1.1), volkerdi@slackware.com)
Compiler:          gcc
OS:                Linux (i686) release

I try audiocd protocol with
a cdrom and mp3 folder.
After copy and paste the generate
file is unplayable(i heard only
a strange noise,like an out of
sync radio)
Comment 1 emuman 2008-11-25 12:41:15 UTC
To fix this error in k3b the byte order has to be swapped and you have to check write wave header. It's the same problem with the audiocd_kio. Perhaps the lame command line parameters are wrong. 
Comment 2 emuman 2008-11-27 12:30:53 UTC
Reproduced on kubuntu intrepid with kde 4.1.3.

Comment 3 emuman 2008-11-27 12:55:29 UTC
There is a big/little endian check in 'encoderlame.cpp'. To fix the static noise, command line option -x should added for little endian machines (Intel/AMD). There is a line


in 'encoderlame.cpp'.

Don't know why it doesn't work.
Comment 4 doc.evans 2008-12-02 20:31:58 UTC
FYI, also fails on 64-bit (Kubuntu 8.10 using KDE 4.1.3)
Comment 5 Hans Maier 2008-12-12 16:36:49 UTC
I have same issue with the audicd kioslave producing only white noise.
KDE 4.1.3 on OpenSUSE 11.1 RC1 on a x86 CPU.

What would be good is to have the lame command line as a configuration parameter (or at least something that can be manually added to kcmaudiocd_encoder_lame_rc).

While encoding I can see that the lame -x flag is used - I actually think this -x flag shouldn't be used by default. If calling lame from the command line without it it encodes just fine.

Comment 6 simon 2008-12-16 16:15:50 UTC
*me too*
Comment 7 Stefan Frings 2008-12-16 18:16:56 UTC
I reported the problem in bug 171464, which is continued here.

To answer the question about the current status: I am using lame 3.98.2 and kio 3.5.9 on Debian Lenny (testing).

The problem is still reproducable.

In addition I noticed that during copy/conversion process, two process bar windows appear with the same content. Im not sure if that matters.

KDE is not able run the lame converter. Immediately after start it stops with no clear error message (the debug window shows no error or warning and the called command works fine on the command line).

Comment 8 David Faure 2008-12-18 11:31:09 UTC
*** Bug 171464 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 David Faure 2008-12-18 11:52:34 UTC
SVN commit 898479 by dfaure:

Simply endianness check, but this was correct already (went into the "little endian" case here), so it's not the reason for the static noise in the generated mp3s. lame must have changed something about the need for -x then...
CCBUG: 171065

 M  +8 -25     encoderlame.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=898479
Comment 10 David Faure 2008-12-18 12:24:44 UTC
SVN commit 898488 by dfaure:

Make byte swapping configurable, until we find a way to figure out what the default value should really be.
Use byte_swap=No in kcmaudiocdrc group [Lame] to disable byte swapping.
CCBUG: 171065

 M  +9 -0      audiocd_lame_encoder.kcfg  
 M  +24 -6     encoderlame.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=898488
Comment 11 Dario Andres 2008-12-19 15:09:44 UTC
*** Bug 176024 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Martin van Es 2009-01-17 09:22:20 UTC
The fix (work-around) doesn't seem to have made into 4.1.96 (RC1)??
I still get lame -x (which is wrong to begin with) and byte_swap does not have any influence on this (work-around fails).
I kill any kio_audiocd process after testing to force reloading of the kcmaudiocdrc file, is that enough?

I use kubuntu Jaunty amd64 packages for 4.1.96, updated a couple of days ago.
Comment 13 Martin van Es 2009-01-17 12:51:10 UTC
Found the solution: the setting is located in kcmaudiocd_encoder_lame_rc group [Lame]
Comment 14 Dario Andres 2009-01-24 19:34:31 UTC
*** Bug 181789 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15 Adam Broschinski 2009-01-31 06:19:53 UTC
The bug is present in KDE 4.2. 
I'm running 64 bit Gentoo.
Comment 16 FiNeX 2009-02-15 00:24:09 UTC
*** Bug 184355 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 mccope 2009-02-15 14:39:41 UTC
This is the text from bug 184355 which has been marked a duplicate of this bug, hopefully it might help.

Version:           rev 925961 (using Devel)
Compiler:          g++ (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu12) 4.3.2
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Compiled sources

MP3 files generated by the audiocd kioslave are unlistenable as they sound like
they have a very high background noise level with lots of white noise.  The
files are very loud compared to those generated by kaudiocreator.

(Note that this sounds like a different problem to bug 171065 as you can hear
the music at the beginning of the track but it degrades to total noise later

Debugging info:
kio_audiocd(2882) kdemain: Starting  2882 
kio_audiocd(2884) kdemain: Starting  2884 
kio_audiocd(2882) AudioCD::AudioCDProtocol::initRequest: dir= ""  file= "" 
req_track= -1  which_dir= 2  full CD?= false 

kio_audiocd(2884) AudioCD::AudioCDProtocol::initRequest: dir= ""  file= "" 
req_track= -1  which_dir= 2  full CD?= false 

kio_audiocd(2882) AudioCD::AudioCDProtocol::initRequest: dir= "MP3"  file= "" 
req_track= -1  which_dir= 4  full CD?= false 

kio_audiocd(2884) AudioCD::AudioCDProtocol::initRequest: dir= "MP3/"  file=
"Artist - 01 - Track  1.mp3"  req_track= 0  which_dir= 0  full CD?= false 

kio_audiocd(2882) AudioCD::AudioCDProtocol::initRequest: dir= "MP3/"  file=
"Artist - 01 - Track  1.mp3"  req_track= 0  which_dir= 0  full CD?= false 

kio_audiocd(2882) EncoderLame::receivedStderr: Lame stderr:  Assuming raw pcm
input file : Forcing byte-swapping
LAME 3.98 64bits (http://www.mp3dev.org/)
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 18671 Hz - 19205 Hz
Encoding <stdin> to /tmp/kde-devel-kde4/kde-kde-devel/kio_audiocdJH2882.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz stereo MPEG-1 Layer III VBR(q=2)

kio_audiocd(2882) EncoderLame::processExited: Lame Encoding process exited
with:  0 
kio_audiocd(2884) kdemain: Done 
kio_audiocd(2882) kdemain: Done 

Lame version:
LAME 64bits version 3.98 (http://www.mp3dev.org/)

Below is some info generated from the mp3gain utility for an MP3 (the same 
track) generated by the kioslave and one from kaudiocreator:

kioslave (sounds bad):
Recommended "Track" dB change: -11.870000                                    
Recommended "Track" mp3 gain change: -8                                      
Max PCM sample at current gain: 71388.495585                                 
Max mp3 global gain field: 197                                               
Min mp3 global gain field: 155                                               

kaudiocreator (sounds good):
Recommended "Track" dB change: -8.700000
Recommended "Track" mp3 gain change: -6
Max PCM sample at current gain: 35991.263142
Max mp3 global gain field: 193
Min mp3 global gain field: 135

(command used $ mp3gain -s s <file.mp3>)

The "Max PCM sample at current gain" value for the kioslave generated file is
very high compared to other mp3s in my collection which tend to be around
29-38k range (also generated in kaudiocreator) - e.g. twice the value.  The
"Min mp3 global gain field" is also a bit higher than for the other files but
not by anywhere near the same proportion.

I'm not sure if this is any help diagnosing the problem, or what additional
details would be useful - if you need any more details let me know.
Comment 18 Jonathan 2009-02-15 15:05:47 UTC
I can confirm this bug with KDE 4.2. Last version where mp3-ripping using audiocd kioslave worked for me was 3.5. I'm running 32-bit Arch Linux.

Converting to wav, flac and ogg using the audiocd kioslave works without any problems. 
If I use command line `lame song.wav song.mp3` to convert any wav to mp3, conversion works as expected.
Comment 19 x.para 2009-04-22 22:14:06 UTC
Confirming this bug in kde 4.2.2.

Should be fixed.
Comment 20 Roland Leißa 2009-05-27 05:27:20 UTC
Same problem here with 64bit 4.2.2 kubuntu and 64bi 4.3 beta 1 kubuntu
Comment 21 Beat Wolf 2009-07-08 11:33:41 UTC
still present int kde 4.3 beta 2.. if that could be fixed for 4.3 it would be really great, because ripping mp3's is something my gf does quite often, and i always have to do it for her with grip..
Comment 22 David Faure 2009-07-08 13:24:40 UTC
Beat Wolf and other people who added a comment recently: until this is fixed, there is a simple workaround so you don't have to rip files for your girlfriend: just edit her ~/.kde[4]/share/config/kcmaudiocd_encoder_lame_rc and add

Comment 23 Kunal Gangakhedkar 2009-07-08 17:16:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #22)
> Beat Wolf and other people who added a comment recently: until this is fixed,
> there is a simple workaround so you don't have to rip files for your
> girlfriend: just edit her ~/.kde[4]/share/config/kcmaudiocd_encoder_lame_rc and
> add
> [Lame]
> byte_swap=No

I guess, by now it's confirmed that it's a byte order issue.
Moreover, IIUC, the mp3 file format is LE since mp3s produced using lame with LE settings on an x86 box work happily with the Windows based players too.
I don't have access to a BE machine to test the theory - maybe, I can try 'lame --bigendian ...' without '-x' and try to play the resulting mp3 on Winamp.
I'll post about it after testing it.

So, assuming that mp3 format is LE, why not just check for byte order and include '-x' param to lame only on BE machines? 
Then, the user doesn't need to dig through horde of documentation (which is this bug report) to enable the workaround.
Comment 24 Beat Wolf 2009-07-08 19:27:54 UTC
I can confirm that the workaround works.

I really really hope this gets into 4.3. Not only because right now that feature simply does not work for anybody, but also because from what ive read amarok 2.2 will use the audiocd kio to rip cds into the local collection, so this will create quite some bugreports if it does not work by then.

great feature by the way :-)
Comment 25 Kunal Gangakhedkar 2009-07-08 20:04:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> (In reply to comment #22)
> > Beat Wolf and other people who added a comment recently: until this is fixed,
> > there is a simple workaround so you don't have to rip files for your
> > girlfriend: just edit her ~/.kde[4]/share/config/kcmaudiocd_encoder_lame_rc and
> > add
> > 
> > [Lame]
> > byte_swap=No
> I guess, by now it's confirmed that it's a byte order issue.
> Moreover, IIUC, the mp3 file format is LE since mp3s produced using lame with
> LE settings on an x86 box work happily with the Windows based players too.
> I don't have access to a BE machine to test the theory - maybe, I can try 'lame
> --bigendian ...' without '-x' and try to play the resulting mp3 on Winamp.
> I'll post about it after testing it.
> So, assuming that mp3 format is LE, why not just check for byte order and
> include '-x' param to lame only on BE machines? 
> Then, the user doesn't need to dig through horde of documentation (which is
> this bug report) to enable the workaround.

OK.. Here is what I found:
o. --big-endian is concerned with only input data and not the output produced
(except for the decoding phase). As per lame manpage:
              Instructs LAME that the samples from the input are in big-endian

              Required only for raw PCM input files and only available if LAME
              was compiled with libsndfile.

For us, the input is RIFF WAV (without the RIFF header of 44 bytes) with PCM encoding - which is by definition LE.

In fact, that's how the data is stored on audio CDs:

o. On i386 linux box with LAME 3.97 and 3.98, the mp3s produced with -x are not
playable with Winamp - which is what this bug is all about.

Again, as per manpage of lame:
       -x     Swap bytes in the input file or output file when using --decode.
              For sorting out little endian/big endian type problems.  If your
              encodings sounds like static, try this first.
              Without using -x, LAME will treat input file as native endian.

Which means that on i386 linux box, it's producing LE files without '-x'.

So, I think it's safe to use the byte order test to decide when to include
'-x'. :)

Hope to see this fix get incorporated in the next release instead of relying on
the workaround.
Comment 26 David Faure 2009-07-09 11:25:43 UTC
SVN commit 993656 by dfaure:

Let's default to no byte-swapping when making mp3s with lame. The logic inside lame was changed in
July 2007 according to lame's ChangeLog (or maybe it was one of the 2005 changes), so by now we can
assume lame does the right thing (and still have the hidden config key if not).
Fix will be in 4.3.0
BUG: 171065

 M  +1 -1      encoderlame.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=993656
Comment 27 Kunal Gangakhedkar 2009-07-22 19:29:13 UTC
(In reply to comment #26)
> SVN commit 993656 by dfaure:
> Let's default to no byte-swapping when making mp3s with lame. The logic inside
> lame was changed in
> July 2007 according to lame's ChangeLog (or maybe it was one of the 2005
> changes), so by now we can
> assume lame does the right thing (and still have the hidden config key if not).
> Fix will be in 4.3.0
> BUG: 171065
>  M  +1 -1      encoderlame.cpp  
> WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=993656

Thanks David for the fix. :)