Version: 1.7.0 (using KDE 3.5.9) Installed from: Compiled From Sources OS: Linux The following wishlist item was made by the LFI team: " would be very useful to have the opportunity to remove the mean of all the signals on the same plot."
SVN commit 846743 by arwalker: CCBUG:169085 first draft of removal of mean from signal M +43 -10 libkstapp/curvedialogwidget.ui M +50 -30 libkstapp/kst2dplot.cpp M +52 -3 libkstapp/kstcurvedialog_i.cpp M +4 -0 libkstapp/kstcurvedialog_i.h M +17 -0 libkstmath/kstbasecurve.cpp M +9 -4 libkstmath/kstbasecurve.h M +1 -1 libkstmath/ksthistogram.cpp M +84 -17 libkstmath/kstvcurve.cpp M +5 -0 libkstmath/kstvcurve.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 847093 by arwalker: CCBUG:169085 disable y-axis offset mode when in log mode M +28 -16 libkstapp/kst2dplot.cpp M +10 -2 libkstmath/kstvcurve.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 847100 by arwalker: CCBUG:169085 add ability to set the y-axis vector offset from javaScript M +39 -0 bind_curve.cpp M +6 -0 bind_curve.h WebSVN link:
all seems to work and has been independently tested. this functionality is diabled when the y-axis is in log mode.