Version: (using KDE 3.5.9) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux Dear maintainers, I am sure, there are some other bugreports, which are related to this bug, but I cannot prove (descriptions are similar, but not the same). Description: ----- I discovered the following behaviour: When starting KDE and automatically starting applications, which require "kwallet" (i.e. kopete or kmail), the kwallet-window pops up and is awaiting my input. If I am waiting too long time with my input (more than 2 minutes), the process "kded" is rising the cpu-power to 99 percent and kwallet is not working. To stop it, it is necessary, to log off KDE, kill the process manually and start KDE again. ----- As I said, this bugreport might be related to other bugreports. Athough I hope, it might help anyway somehow. Best regards Hans-J. Ullrich
Sometimes things handle for themselves. In KDE4 the descrfibed bug never appeared. Although it is not fixed in KDE3, IMO the bugreport can be closed. If someone is still using KDE3, he can always reopen it again. Regards Hans