Version: (using KDE 4.1.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages If you use a VCard folder addressbook, KAddressbook stores the contacts in files named FirstName__Surname.vcf. If you try to insert or import a new contact with a yet existing pair of FirstName, Surname, KAddressbook let you do it but on reload the contact is lost! In the past versions that didn't happen because contacts were stored in the form: UniqueId.vcf.
hmm, looking at the code I can see that first name or family name is used, we use the uid for that since ages... Could it be that you have tried to export vcards to that directory accidently? Ciao, Tobias
Tobias, sorry but I can't understand your comment... Even on kde 4.1.1 if I export my contact list to a VCard3 folder, each entry is stored in a file named FirstName_FamilyName.vcf. If two contacts have the same FirstName and FamilyName fields, one of them is lost. For that reason I reopen the bug.
The development of the old KAddressBook will be discontinued for KDE 4.4. Since the new application has the same name, but a completly new code base we close all bug reports against the old version and ask the submitters to resend there reports against the new product.