Version: (using KDE 4.1.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Although this is probably more of a Kubuntu issue, the new icon set for 4.1 is misleading. For example, the icons for Shutdown, Restart, Hibernate, Sleep, Logout, and Lock Screen are EXACTLY the same. this renders the Lock Screen/Logout widget useless, for example because they seem to present the same option. Also, the remove widget icon when a widget is moved over with the mouse looks like a piece of paper with a pencil, instead of the red X that came with 4.0. Also, the other widget icons, like resize and rotate look like a 1980's yellow computer instead of arrows signifying their functions. Perhaps this a feature standard with 4.1, but it would not hurt to review the standard icon set to look for misleading icons or inconsistencies.
Please provide a screenshot.
This sounds like a Kubuntu packaging problem, so yes, you should probably report it to them. Thanks! (can't verify)
Try to report on ubuntu launchpad. I'm almost sure it was a packaging issue (which seems solved on the latest ubuntu packages).