Version: 2.0 (using 4.0.5 (KDE 4.0.5), 4.0.5-5.fc9 Fedora) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (i686) release I am trying to start an instance of konsole through a remote ssh login with X forwarding. I have done this with previous versions of KDE without any problems. Now, however, konsole crashes almost immediately with the following message: [legowik@tahiti ~]$ konsole <unknown program name>(1456)/: Communication problem with "konsole" , it probably crashed. Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." "
Something I missed in my original report is that it displays the window briefly after returning to the shell. Then the following message is displayed on the terminal and the konsole window vanishes: QDBusConnection received a message of type 3 that it shouldn't have
Can you please run Konsole in gdb with the --nofork argument and get a backtrace when it crashes: gdb konsole > set args --nofork > run <crash> > bt
The debugger says that it cannot find any symbols. I guess that mean I have to compile konsole from scratch. Where do I go to get the source?
You don't have to compile it necessarily by yourself. Most distributions provide extra packages with debugging symbols. See for infos on your distro.
I got the debug symbols installed, but the problem went away. A problem cropped up with the configuration of the color tags in ls that I fixed with a local version of .dir_colors (something to do with the CAPABILITY tag). It was causing /etc/csh.login to bomb out. When I fixed that, the problem with konsole seems to have gone away as well. The symptom of that problem was the error message: Unknown colorls variable `ca'. That pops up every time you start a new shell.
The error messages I reported earlier still pop up in the shell where konsole is started, so they don't have anything to do with the problem I was having.