Version: svn r837802 (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc 4.3.1 OS: Linux I'm really not sure if this is really a bug or if I'm just messing something up. I've been compiling KDE4 from trunk for something but haven't been able to compile kdebindings. I've followed techbase's instructions (I'm compiling it in ~/kde4 instead of using another user) and compiling/using qt-copy in ~/kde4/src/qt-copy. When I'm compiling smoke/qt, it crashes when running Found 'qtdefines'. Reading preprocessor symbols from there... kalyptus: no input files. make[2]: *** [smoke/qt/smokedata.cpp] Error 255 make[1]: *** [smoke/qt/CMakeFiles/smokeqt.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 makeobj[0]: Leaving directory `/home/kubo/kde4/build/KDE/kdebindings/smoke' I'm not a Perl programmer, but looking at smoke/qt/ in the build directory and smoke/qt/ it seems the problem is in line 149 of if ( $header !~ /src/ ) { All my qt-copy's headers are in ~/kde4/src/qt-copy so the function doesn't find any header and an empty array is passed to kalypto. Is this expected behaviour and should I move my qt-copy installation to another directory?
Using Qt from the build directory is not supported by smoke, you need to install Qt.
OK, then I guess the bug should be closed. Should a note be made on techbase's instructions and/or README.qt-copy about this?
Marking as resolved due to comment #1.