Version: (using KDE 3.5.9) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux every time, I use to save a pdf document in the folder documents, the file is corrupt and look for the system as it was a text file. Kpdf can not open that file and report is : kdeini can not open file ..... Kpdf see no pdf file although there is one or more, and if I try to open that file by clicking on it the header look like that: %PDF-1.3 %���� 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Resources << /Font 4 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /XObject 5 0 R >> /MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] /Contents 7 0 R /Parent 8 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 2597 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] >> stream >>>>>> it seem to me that the questions marks on the second like are corrupt signs the function save seems to corrupt that kind of files
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How do you save it? Using konqueror? kpdf? something else?
saved from konqueror or firefox it's the same result. opening it directly from konqueror is ok but saving result in a corrupt file
In konqueror on the site ",kdeprinthandbookbeautified.pdf" the system open the file in kate and the report looks like thath Le fichier « » est binaire, l'enregistrer créera un fichier corrompu. is is because the system is in french. in english " the file is binary, saving it will create a corrupt file". but this is not a binary file.
if you try to open it from a shell, that is open konsole and type kpdf thePathToTheFileIJustSaved.pdf does it work?
Le Friday 25 July 2008 17:44:20 Albert Astals Cid, vous avez écrit : [ quoted mail] answer from kpdf in konqueror Impossible d'ouvrir « file:///home/caligula/Bureau/PI-COAX-05_2008.pdf » answer in the konsole kpdf: WARNING: Unknown mimetype 'text/plain' does that meen something for you??
It means that your system is broken for some reason it believes pdf files are text files, not a kpdf problem at all. "kfile thePathToTheFileIJustSaved.pdf" from a shell should return to you also that it is a text file while "file thePathToTheFileIJustSaved.pdf" from a shell would return pdf file, right?
Le Friday 25 July 2008 18:26:06 Albert Astals Cid, vous avez écrit : [ quoted mail] yes correct return is pdf file and now what to do? the installation is right from the cd Defrenne M
I'm reassigning this bug to kdelibs as kfile misdetecting a pdf file as text is not a kpdf bug, but a kdelibs one.
Le Sunday 27 July 2008 23:47:48 Albert Astals Cid, vous avez écrit : [ quoted mail] in konkeror config file, file association was primary listed as text. after removing the text definition, some pdf files where opened as pdf by kghostview. So some part of the problem are resolved but why does this "text definition" come for a pdf file?
from in fact for some unknown reason, the files where saved with some extra "return" after the first line of the file removing this let kpdf open the file as pdf file and not as text. Why does this append , let my know but its fixed after manually removing this extra "return"