Version: 1.9.51 (using 4.0.4 (KDE 4.0.4 >= 20080505) "release 15.1", compiled sources) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (i686) release Use 'Import Messages...' to import Thunderbird messages. When imported, right-click on imported messages folder. Select 'Properties' from pop-up menu. Change name of folder and click ok. In KMail folder list, old name of folder still shows. Right-click on imported messages folder, select 'Properties' and new name of folder is listed in dialog box.
It's worse than that. Renaming any folder doesnt' work. RMB on folder, go to Propertries. Put in a new name. Doesn't take.
Yeah, confirmed and on my fix-before-4.1-release list. BTW, the folder shows up correctly when restarting KMail.
SVN commit 829986 by tmcguire: Don't fail when renaming the sorted file fails (and add some kWarnings in case of error). BUG: 166023 M +15 -2 folderstorage.cpp WebSVN link: